Gluttony Destroying the Church

Gluttony is responsible for most of the premature deaths in the church of America from the pulpit to the pews.  We don't want to talk about it, but the fact of the matter, it is wiping us out in droves.  Heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, asthma, kidney failure and the list goes on.  We all know very precious people who are obese.  This article is not written to offend you but to challenge you to STOP and consider the facts, you are sinning!  

Gluttony is no different than being a crack addict or being a fornicator.  The only difference is that you do need food to live.  Nonetheless, without self control, a person can eat themselves to death. I have witnessed many do it, it is grievous to say the least.  They were chronically ill, severely over weight and kept claiming their illnesses were all hereditary, totally disregarding the fact they refused to eat healthy foods,walking around all day with potato chips and soda, eating pork, red meats and breads every single day. They refused to stop it and for some, cancer ate their bodies alive.  There was nothing the doctors could do for them.  And for some their hearts suddenly did attack them and they did not recover.  Why won't we listen to wisdom?  Why?

Obesity is a very poor witness for those who claim we are followers of Jesus Christ.  Every pastor, choir member and minister in Christian churches across America should ALL be sat down if you are obese, why?  You are out of control!  You should not be standing before anyone.  You are spiritually sick and you need help; what we love we take care of, we protect it, obesity is an expression of self hatred and it violates Jesus commandment to us to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves, Luke 10:27.  There is no love in neglect and abuse of your most precious commodity, your body ~ God's Temple.  There is no loving your neighbor when you place the burden of your illnesses on your loved ones having them to take you to and fro, from doctor to doctor, pharmacist to pharmacist.  It is selfish.

We say we love one another, yet we refuse to contend with this obvious sin of idolatry. Over indulgence in "comfort or pleasure' food is idolatry.  Lusting to eat for pleasure is no different than someone who keeps sleeping around for pleasure, you are abusing God's temple.  All obese followers of Christ, you need to repent!  You are not 'victims,' you are out of control, cutting the quality of your life every time you keep stuffing your mouth with all that junk food, refusing to eat healthy foods.  Don't get mad, get delivered!  Pick up your cross 'daily' and follow Jesus.  Do it so you can live long and be strong for the Glory of God. Stop the Madness!!

Pastors, I challenge each and everyone of you to sit down all the brothers and sisters in your congregation who are in any ministry, killing themselves with food.  If you are a pastor who is obese, you should sit yourself down and go on a sabbatical to get yourself under control.  Sad, but true, most pastors will not preach against gluttony for the same reason most  will not preach against sin at all, they do not want to risk losing any of their money from their followers. They will not risk it, yet I beg to question, if you are a pastor, how can you say you love those you are leading that are overtaken and captive to food, and you refuse to challenge them to stop.  What kind of love is this?

Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

For anyone seeking to educate and empower yourself to win in the war against food in your life, here is a great resource to assist you.  You can do it!  Change your mind, you CAN change your entire life!  LET'S GO SOLDIERs, LET'S GO!!!

Who Said This Is the Holy Spirit?

This man is so called "slain in the Spirit" at a so called Holy Fire Revival in my city.  Let me first start this blog by making it VERY clear, I am a follow of Jesus Christ and I am filled with the Holy Spirit.  How do I know?  I hate sin in me!  I am compelled to witness about the saving power of Jesus Christ and the wages of sin that is death, eternal separation from God forever for those who do not receive God's forgiveness through His only begotten Son.

We have a very disturbing movement that is going on in the Body of Christ called Holy Fire Revival promoted by many who are overwhelmed with an 'ungodly' ambition for power encouraging false hope and mocking the power of God via the Holy Spirit to heal, deliver and set captives free from the bondages of sin and self.

I have observed over the 26 years I have been walking with Christ, that many of these promoters of emotional bliss and 'outward' manifestations in public meetings, are very depressed in their private lives, unfriendly, hard to get along with, and in many cases consumed with gluttony and other addictions, but yet, they get in front of people and carry on like rock stars who have come to bring their audiences so called "revival" that at its best does not exist outside of provoking external manifestations that seemingly make them look like they have the 'anointing' of God that is only released when they 'decree' and 'declare' miracles, signs and wonders.

Often times these brethren, some of whom I really believe are sincere, but nonetheless, sincerely wrong, go on and on for hours laying hands on everyone that will allow them.  The do not preach about Jesus nor do they preach or teach about sin....Hmmmm?

I thought revival happened in the New Testament when the "real" apostles and prophets preached the message of repentance.  

My friend, the truth told, that is the only way to REALLY and truly experience the reviving of your spirit when you are away from God or in a low season in your life spiritual.  Repentance means to think.  If you do not think, you will NEVER turn from destructive habits and self indulgence that pulls us down into spiritual stupors.

Do not believe the hype of the self proclaiming "Fire" prophets and false apostle that are running rampant, especially in charismatic churches.  The Word of God teaches us to be sober and wise, especially when in public.  I can assure you that every person in your church service is not of God, from God or for God.  Therefore, it is not wise to attempt to appease the visiting preacher by falling on the floor in an emotion bliss provoked by emotionalism and controlling spirits that want you to obey their commands over you in the Name of Jesus and the 'so called' Holy Spirit.

I have been spirit filled over 25 years.  I have seen it all!  But I decided a very long time ago to test this "falling" on the floor.  I cannot tell you how many people I have prayed for outside of the church, I have yet to witness one of them falling on the concrete!  Why?  Because this is not real!  It is emulation.

It is interesting to note that I have had some people fall on the floor in the church while I was praying for them, BUT, I refuse to allow it because it swells the EGO!!  AND!  I realize I "feel" no different than I do when I am in the grocery story praying for people....this is NOT THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!  Many people are already down, God does NOT need to knock you down on the floor to heal, deliver or set you free from anything!!!

I have seen many people fall on the floor most of my 26 years of walking with Christ and fellowshipping in Charismatic churches most of these years.  I have noticed that many of the people who are attempting to "lay hands" will become belittling to any person who will not fall or "receive" their so called "anointing."  My dear friend this is witchcraft!  Control! 

I will be writing more about this in the next couple of days.  Please check back!!

BEWARE of the GREEN EYED Monster!

If you know someone is jealous of you, DO NOT take it lightly! They are dangerous my Friend! DANGEROUS!  These are your enemies who constantly slander and defame you.  They are scandalous, petty individuals that have nothing good to say about those they are targeting with their envy.

We usually refer to them as haters.  And this is exactly what they are doing, hating, which is sin.  Jealous people are calculating and cruel as the grave in their handling of your name, reputation and they will kill you in some extreme cases, literally....BUT GOD!!

Listen my Friend, and make NO mistake about this, jealous people are not necessarily jealous of you because of how great you are, but rather they lack knowledge of how great God is. 

This is precisely the reason they envy what you or others have, because they have yet to come to realize how awesome they really are.  Jea-lous people are "lousy" on the inside.  They hate who they cannot dominate.  They murder reputations and justify their evil tactics by attempting to villinize their targets. 

It does not matter how many gifts, talents, beauty, money or power they possess, if he or she has a deficit of the glory and majesty of God who has created all things, this would include personalities that are like rainbows, all shades and hues, they will loath those around them who know who they are, despite what they do possess. 

The GREEN EYED MONSTER (people who are jealous) have a presence that you can feel when you are handling these deeply insecure individuals.  When you leave their presence you will feel uncomfortable.  You will feel stripped, as if you have been spiritually molested.  You will know something is definitely wrong.  ITS NOT YOU!!!  Shake It Off!!!!!!!!!  Shake It!  Shake It!!!!

Remember, jealous people do not know who they really are.  Please do not make the mistake of thinking you are ALL that!  No My Friend, God is ALL THAT and these people simply do not know it yet, that is why they are hating on the Glory of God you possess.  They lack understanding that every good and perfect gift that any of us can possess comes from God!!!

If you struggle with jealousy and envy you know it, I did over twenty years ago.  I had no clue who I was.  I was deeply insecure.  I was tormented by the GREEN EYED MONSTER!  But Jesus saved me and I began to confess my sin to God.  I am FREE!  I walk with ease and gratefulness for that which I do possess.  I love me, I love you, I love God!!  No hate, no envy.  I am a blessed woman, with or without, I have no doubt, God is with me and God IS for me!  HALLELUJA!!!  

Pray for your haters!  Pray that they become awake to  God's deep love for them and do your best to AVOID interaction with these GREEN EYED MONSTERS, because until they are delivered from the breach of their souls, they are hazardous to you. 

Seduction of Seminary

Doctor, Bishop, Elder Johnson has just received his doctorate in theology!!!  He begins to DEMAND everyone to call him Dr. Johnson!  He is now clad in his black suits with his white collar everywhere he goes.  He has become a bona fide ‘legend in his own mind.”  He boasts everywhere he goes of his ‘academic’ accomplishments.  He takes up ten minutes of every service time to bask in his glory, especially when he is the guest speaker…..Oh’!   Get ready! This is going to take at least 15-20 minutes!!!  He is arrogant! He is haughty!

This is the epidemic we have in the American church like never before! 

 Seminary and theological colleges (online especially) are bursting at the seams.  Everyone is claiming they have the “credentials” to be a preacher of some kind, educated oracles, masters of Bible stories, and methods on how to orate their memorized Bible verses and stories before a crowd.  It’s a ‘fad’ like we have never seen before.

 Education can no doubt make us look good and ‘feel’ important; but when it comes to knowing God and walking with him, SORRY to be the bearer of bad news, IT MEANS ZERO!!  In fact, it can corrupted “the call” of God on your life if you do not understand the Scriptures.

If God hates pride, and he does, how can so many boast of their education (exchange of knowledge) about God and mistreat his people with their smug, elitist attitudes?

Make no mistake in my presenting this argument, Seminary can be a great enhancement for exposition and knowledge, but it cannot, and will not ever produce ‘experience’ with Jesus. There are some things that cannot be expounded at all! Not even by the most noted theologian or scholar, but rather, they MUSTbe experienced with Him. Peace being one of those things. Who can really articulate this basic truth and attribute of the Prince of Peace? It must be experienced.

Every man that God has ever laid his hand on for service, was stripped!  Moses was a prince with power.  Elisha was a wealthy herdsman.  Paul, the apostle was a religious scholar, AND Jesus!  He was the Son of God sitting on the right hand of God!  All stripped to serve!!!!!  All of them suffered!!  ALL OF THEM!!!  No seminary, no ceremonial rituals to lift them up before their peers.  NOTHING, but pain, pain and more PAIN!!!  By the way, wasn’t it the educated Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and Teachers of the Law that crucified Jesus??

Knowledge of principles and methods of interpreting the Bible, does not mean one knows Jesus or God.  When we allow the purpose of our study of the Bible to become a ‘method’ for finding sermons rather than finding Jesus, we have been deceived.

 When Jesus ‘called’ Peter and his brother James, He said, Matthew 4:19, “Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This was their invitation to the ministry. This was their ‘calling’. Now, we must understand this, Peter and James were not ready for ministry… yet! They had to walk with Jesus and learn of HIM. Peter and his brother ate with Jesus and talked with Jesus. These men were with Jesus for three intense years of study ~ not academia, but Jesus! They were being taught and prepared by the Word Himself. It is very important for us to note that Jesus has not changed the way He prepares “His servants” for ministry in this generation. We have! 

Regardless of how much theology we can boast that we know, it does not qualify us to be servants of Christ. Jesus knows who we are and it is He that gives authority to His servants, not man! Jesus gives the authorization in your spirit and then He will have man give you a confirmation in the earth. Just as He did with Paul the apostle, who spent fourteen years being downloaded with ‘revelation’ of Jesus.  Not formula’s, methods of interpretation and sermons on how to be blessed, but rather, revelation of Jesus.

Peter was the first of the disciples to acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. Jesus told him “that flesh and blood had not revealed this truth to him, but rather His father in Heaven” had revealed it to Peter, Matthew 16:17.  When Paul was called to become a servant of Jesus, he tells us in Galatians 1:16, that he “did not confer with flesh and blood.” Instead he went away and spent time with the Spirit of Christ that taught him and prepared him to later become an apostle (messenger) to the gentiles. 

 Being a graduate of the most prestigious seminary school in the nation does not and will never qualify any of us to speak for Christ. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!  In fact, Paul the apostle of Jesus, who by some estimation has been one of the most influential persons to impact history, was a very educated man.  Paul considered his previous learning by one of the best scholars of his time, Gamaliel, “dung”! He declared all of his accomplishments before Christ as “worthless”!  (Chapter 3 of Philippians, a must read)

We have become “dung” diggers in this generation like never before. We are going after what our early church forefather considered worthless! We have become educated professionals in the pulpits of America. Polished, performing pulpiteers! Workers for hire. Puffed up! Stuck up!  And messed up! Having minds that are filled with the pride of life. Nothing short of modern day Pharisee’s ~ big heads with empty hearts. Great is some of our exegesis of text.  Great is our hermeneutics. However, depression and anxiety has become the portion of many that boast of their ‘degrees’ in theology, which many erroneously believe qualifies them to start ministries while demanding acknowledgement from those that they have been called to protect and lead. 

 Saints of God, education, or shall I say, the exchange of knowledge about scripture and church history does not qualify us for ministry, especially as a pastor! Jesus knows each of His sheep. He knows who is ready and when we are ready just as a parent knows when to release the car keys to their children. Though some may be of legal age to drive, it does not mean they are yet mature enough to drive.  The same is true for ministers who have been 'called' by God, but they have yet to be 'commissioned' by God for the work of ministry.

When a minister serves without the authorization or the commission of the Spirit of Christ, you are illegal in the heavens and in the earth. It does not matter who ‘ordains’ you, how many college degrees you acquire, and who gives you an opportunity to preach your first trial sermon. Unless Christ has been revealed to you, and you know that He, and HE ALONE has sanctioned your ministry, you are out of order!  Your are dangerous to others and to yourself. 

God bless us all to know the difference between a 'big head' lofty oracle, and a "big hearted" lowly servant for the Most High God.  Which one are you?