Keys to Handle SCANDAL!

OUCH!!  Nothing can be more painful than barb wires of defamation and assassination of your character.  Lies, slander, gossip and being judged by people that know absolutely nothing about you accept the scandalous words of your attackers can affect the best of us.  Especially when the attacks come from those that you have trusted and allowed near your heart. 

Scandal will do one of two things, it will derail you, or propel you if you do not understand that your enemies are very necessary for your SPIRIT (awareness of God) to grow as you go in your life with Christ. 

Jesus was VERY controversial.  He was radical, bold and straight forward when dealing with his enemies, most of whom were "RELIGIOUS" people.  Isn't that much to ponder?  Nothing or no one could stop him!  He was a force to be reckon with.  Why?  Jesus KNEW WHO HE WAS!!!!

My Friend do you really know who you are?  Besides the money, power, friends, materialism, physical prowess, great intellect, and this list could go you REALLY know who you are in Christ?  Do you understand that in Him you CAN endure the pain, shame and humiliation that others attempt to crush your spirit with?

Do you believe what your enemies have to say about you?  If the answer is no, let it go!  And just in case you may have done some of what they say you did, you must take it to God in prayer and leave it there.  Receive God's forgiveness, there is none righteous, not one!!!  Make no mistake about it.  Your enemies and character assassins have sinned too!!  Do not allow them to get into your head my Friend.  They have sin, shortcomings and character flaws, and you know they got some skeleton's in them closets too!!

When you are scandalized, the real you MUST come forth in God. If God is really for you, and you know that He is, you are going to have to rest in that fact when you are being talked about, lied on, ostracized, criticized and scandalized! 

Walk in the midst of your enemies with your back straight, your head held high, and fix your mind on this fact, I KNOW who I am!!!  You will NOT break my spirit!  You will NOT make me doubt who I KNOW that I am and strive to be.  You are not my God!  I will not bow to your oppressive tactics to take my joy and peace!   Hey!  I am a God Warrior!  I will not be moved!  I am a survivor!  I am an over comer!!   WHOOOO!  I am getting excited!!!! I am God's Property!!  I am a child of God!   You MUST encourage yourself, just as King David did. 

The greatest enemy you will fight during times of scandal will be with yourself. 

You cannot allow the voice and thoughts of others to become YOUR GOD!   You must learn and practice CASTING those thoughts down that come to torment you. GO TO BED!!  Your enemies are sound to sleep!  They are NOT thinking about you!  They are sleep!

Our propensity is to defend ourselves, but you know what my Friend, it is wasted energy,  however, it is essential to know this, the more upset and depressed we become in times of scandal, the more God allows us to understand just how much we really love ourselves.  Pride comes in many hues. 

Jesus endured much criticism, assassination of his character, betrayal, ridicule, but He stayed on course.  My friend, stay on course.  Endure it!  Take it!  Keep forgiving.  Keep talking to God.  Work it out like ROCKY!  He was a die hard.  He was a winner in his heart.    He Beat them in his heart!  His spirit was never overcome by his opposition.  Stay CONSCIENCE of God!  He will hold your hand and you will not be overtaken. 

Girl! Get that Married Man Out Your Bed!

Sister!  Do you really think that man is going to leave his wife for you?   He has been telling you for weeks, months and years how jacked up she is and how he just needs time?

You have done everything ACCEPT stand on your head for this man. You have allowed him to abuse you sexually, emotionally, financially and more importantly, spiritually. 

Before we go any further, let me show you a picture right now of what YOU REALLY deserve RIGHT NOW!!

Every Holiday you are alone and overwhelmed with anxiety as he spends time with his wife and family while you sit at home desperately feeling that soon he is going FINALLY wake up and discover what an awesome sex partner.....oops! I meant to say woman you are! Come on now, you know you think in the back of your mind that your wild, kinky, ungodly and perverted sex is going to cast that spell on him. Has it yet? He is still using you as often as he likes and going home to his family.

I want you to proceed with caution! I have to give it to you straight my Sister Girl. God does not want this for your life!

Playing the harlot for that selfish piece of a man is not going to win him over to you. He is not yours Boo! I said Boo, because that is what your life will become if you keep wishing on a star...Boo Hoo!! Your heart is going to keep crying and whining for love until you stop playing games with yourself and someone elses husband! This man does not love you! You are his play thang! The proof is in the pudding! Where is he going to be this Holiday Season Boo? Not with you!

Every time you lay with that woman's husband, you are playing Russian Roulette with your eternal life!   It is this fact that got me out of bed with men that were not my husband! If God called you out of that fine body (so you may think) that you are using right now to seduce another woman's husband, where do you really think you are going to spend eternity?

I know you are making money, you are fine, you are articulate, you are draped in the finest that money can buy.  You are successful, BUT! You are still thirsty for love. You are still thirsty for honor, respect and fidelity from a man that will cherish you.  I was there.  I was so thirsty for love and did not even realize it until I found myself away from the presence of God.  Had the man, but I no longer had God's peace and joy reigning in my spirit.  I was miserable AND still thirsty!

Sister, you are kidding yourself if you think all that you have, and that does include your well endowed physical assets, is going to win over that man you are cheating with.  Don't let your EGO fool you.  Sister, you lack integrity! You have no integrity if you do not respect and honor what God honors, marriage!!! 

You deserve your own man! They will ALL tell you how they knew when they were walking down the aisle that it was a mistake. Well hey! They had time between the walk down the aisle and the preacher pronouncing them husband and wife for him to 'MAN UP' and book up!!   Do you feel me?   This sad sob story is part of the game to justify the reason he is cheating with you and sorry, but likely someone else too!

You say, "But I love him!"   NO BOO! You do not love him, you LUST him? How can you REALLY convince yourself that you love a man that has made a vow to God to cherish and love another woman until death do them apart?   How can you REALLY convince yourself that you are in love with a man that secretly uses your body for his physical release and pleasure knowing you want him for yourself, AND he knows in his heart he does not want you BOO! Come on! 

You say, "The sex is great!" No Boo Boo! GOD IS GREAT!

GIRL! LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE!  Stop kidding yourself and more importantly risking your eternal life being seperated from God.  For What reason?  Sex, lust and lies from and with a weak man that cannot "man up" to keep his covenant with God?

You are better than a quick roll in the hey! YES YOU ARE! Stop acting desperate! You want love just like everyone else walking the planet, BUT you will not find it laying with another woman's husband. You will not! Stop playing games with yourself and acting like a rat! Why a rat? Because they will settle for crumbs, garbage or anything they can find to eat that is someone elses food crumbs.
God loves you my Sister.  When I fell into sexual sin he heard my cry.....He will hear yours too when you make up your mind to stop the madness.  You are not happy and make NO mistake about it, you deserve God's best, NOT crumbs! 

Get rid of that BOZO and ask God for the
strength to wait on YOUR Boaz! 
If you don't know who Boaz is,
go and do a Bible study to find out.  Here is a hint, his
story can be found in the Book of Ruth.

I've been there and brought the T-SHIRT............

Currupted by the Call of God

Never in the history of the American Church have we seen such a deluge of men and women who claim that God has called them into ministry "DEMAND" that you call them by a 'title.' What would Jesus have to say about this Title Wave that has hit the American Church and its leaders like never before?

Everybody is a Doctor of something now! They insist that others call them Dr., prophetess, apostle, elder, bishop, reverend....whoo! I am getting exhausted just from typing up all these names!  This has become an epidemic, especially if these people have been ordained or have acquired a degree in theology. Oh’ my goodness! You betta' show them some “respect!” After all, they deserve it!   Hmmmm? I smell a rat! Don't you??

If you are in the midst of leaders like this, you must be very careful, in fact you need to get your hat, coat AND your wallet, and hit the road Jack!  And don't ya go back there No more, No Mo!!!!   Get out of there! They are dangerous! They are insecure people. This is why they try to usurp affirmation and praise from others.  They are praise junkies!  Yes my Friend, they are.  And if you are reading this and you carry on like this, you ARE a praise addict!  You need deliverance my Friend.  You are anti-Christ!  Jesus did not operate 'overtly.'  So why are you?

Why are so many pastors in particular, calling themselves, “The Most Reverend, Dr., Bishop, Elder Johnson, DDS? Where did we get this Reverend thing from? This word is in the Bible only one time and its reference is to God. Reverence God! I went to minister on a local network, where the host kept calling me Reverend Johnson. He was making me nervous!! I could not wait to get out of there! I know this is something that is said in many denominations, but my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we should not “reverend” anyone, BUT God! Besides, who is the one to declare anyone The Most Honorable in the Body of Christ? Besides, Jesus did not give some to be ‘reverends,’ and others to be ‘the most honorable reverends.’ He gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers, Ephesians 4. Something is definitely wrong with this picture!

How can we justify calling ourselves, “The Honorable” anything? Some of us have become so educated in theology we have been seduced into believing that we are honorable and worthy to be called The Most Reverend, but what is God saying about you? The scriptures teach us to give honor where honor is due. Honor that is demanded where it is not earned IS witchcraft! We got a whole lot of witchcraft in the church of America! A piece of paper does not give anyone the right to demand others to honor them, especially when they do not know you!  Hey!  Who do some us think we are?

The pride of life is polluting the church because of prideful and arrogant leaders! The “salt of the earth” is no longer salty, but rather haughty! God Help Us! Are you one of them? Have you allowed the exchange of knowledge to fill your heart with pride and a spirit of elitism and false authority? Are you doing it to prove yourself or to gain recognition from man?  
The anointing ran down Aaron’s head, beard and his garments (Psalm 133). If the anointing of God’s Spirit can flow down, so can pride, greed and lust from another spirit. Selah! Selah means to pause and think.

The Great Title Wave IS surely Amongst Us!!!! 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with seminary school, however, we must keep in mind that when Jesus called his disciples, he did not send them away to get a degree in theology. He called them to Himself.   Many can expound the written Word of God, but they have never experienced the ‘Living’ Word of God! The closer we come to our Savior, the less you will crave vainglory, acknowledgments and recognition from man. Watch those that insist on being called anything other than their names! WATCH THEM!!!

Paul, the "real" apostle of Jesus Christ, considered ALL his earthly knowledge and accomplishments as “dung” (Galatians 2, you must read).   Not us! We have ceremonies to receive our “dung” that Paul counted as lost.   Plaques and trophies we love to display them on our walls and put those titles in front of our names just as the world prides themselves on doing so.   Preachers, this is anti-Christ!   Jesus would NOT do this, so why are you?

Some of us are just making stuff up! Someone PLEASE tell me what a “chief” apostle is? And what in the world is a “master” prophet?   This is ministry madness!!!!!!    Some of us have gone off the deeeeep end!   You are far from Jesus example.   Far from it! What proven exercise of spiritual gifts can most of our big “honorables” and “master” prophets and “senior” preachers boast about……NONE! I have noticed that 80% of the time; the people that carry on like this all have advanced “education.” Big heads! It’s a wonder anyone can survive after their 'big heads' walk into a room! Question, who has REALLY sent you? Who??

Jesus name was Jesus, which means; God is salvation. Christ means; anointed one. Jesus’ function in the earth, his ministry, came behind his name! We must pause and think on these things! Calling ourselves prophet this and prophet that is not sinful, but where is it REALLY coming from? Jesus is our model! Paul, the apostle, in his thirteen epistles, NOT ONCE did he refer to himself as Apostle Paul in his salutations. He was Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle (messenger). Our “function” in the Body of Christ should go where Paul and Jesus’ put theirs,’ behind our name, if at all! Reformation! Preachers! We need a reformation! We are not of this world! Tradition is blinding! Pride is too!

Moses had the largest church ever, yet, he was called, Moses! The people called him by his first name! Some of you would start manifesting if someone called you by your first name! If you are struggling with depression, you must consider this area in your life. Do you insist on being acknowledged? You can be functioning in your gift without the presence of God, just as Saul continued to hold his position as king, yet the presence of God was gone! (Story told in 1Samuel Chapter 15)

Let us be reminded again by what our forefather in the faith, John taught us, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the Father but from the world. (1John2:15-17). Are you a boaster under the guise of spiritual titles? Do you give God glory for your knowledge, or do you give it to a university?

Finally brethren, the church is a universal family, not an organization where everyone pursues education as a means for authority and acknowledgement from others. Let me illustrate this point, in the natural, if your brother or sister has a PhD. You still call them by their name, right? However, if he or she insisted that you call them Dr., you would think that they had a serious problem. Why? Because you are family! We are the family of God...take the vainglory off Preachers! TAKE IT OFF!!!

Go Back to the Cross, where you first saw the Light! Jesus is the Light of the World......NOT YOU!    Not me!  Not ANY of us!! Pride is intoxicating, Run from it! Run, run, run!!  Take the VAIN GLORY OFF!  Don't end up like Saul!  (If you don't know who he was go and do a bible study, here is a hint, he was the first king appointed over God's chosen people.....check in the Old testament).

Also Read:
25 Signs of a Predatory Preacher

Email Sister Sharon at:


"First Ladies" In Christian Churches?

I recently visited a church where the service began and suddenly it was stopped! We were all asked to stand, clap and "honor" the “Bishop” and the “First Lady” as they walked from the back of the sanctuary to the elevated pulpit area with an entourage of people following them. My immediate thought was, ‘Okay, this is a cult!’ Although they were singing about Jesus and how great God was. They had “Christian” paraphernalia everywhere, but what was going on here? I presumed this exalting of the pastor and his wife at this church was a ritual of their gatherings. It was as if the church members were literally worshipping them. I was very disturbed to say the least as this "first lady" sat on the platform as if she was the Queen of Sheba. I could not believe it!

This "First Lady" title has become a tradition in so many churches. It no doubt fuels selfish ambition for young ministers who are emulating their pastors in these types of Churches who exalt their wives in this erroneous and anti-Christ behavior. 
Ephesians 4:10 tells us that before Christ ascended he gave ministry gifts for the edifying of the Body of Christ, "apsostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.........."  NO "first ladies." 
In many cases, the wives are unapproachable, snooty and will not serve those who are in their congregations other than a weekly fashion show of their latest Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom or Saks Fifth Avenue purchases with their follower's tithes and offerings. Yep! That's right! They are spending some of your hard earned monies on extravagant living that they will unashamedly flaunt in the face of their weak, indoctrinated people who are following "them" instead of "Him." Who is Him? Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world, WHO IS a Good Shephard, NOT a glory seeking charlatan, usurping praise, honor and worship.

I understand loving our pastors and their families. I understand trying to let them know that we appreciate their sacrifice, but we must be careful in our method of doing things in corporate worship that exalts man instead of Christ. There is a very fine line between "honoring" someone and "worshipping" them! Especially servants for Jesus Christ....if they REALLY are HIS servants?

Can you imagine Paul the apostle (messenger) of Christ carrying on like this every time he came into the fellowship to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Corinth, Ephesus or Galatia? "I can’t!" Our forefather would not stand for it! Though Paul was not married, he was God's man. He was a REAL apostle! Unlike the many running around our Nation claiming that they are and have not been on ONE missionary trip to foreign land where the Gospel has not been preached! "Oops! I'm sorry! That was a bunny trail-Read my other blog Apostles Gone Mad."

Where did we get this ‘first lady’ thing from anyway? Jesus told us in Luke 13:30, “that the last shall be first and the first shall be last.” It seems to me if you were to call me anything other than Sister Sharon; I would rather that you call me “The L A S T Lady!” Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is only one real ‘title’ that is fitting for those that ‘really’ are disciples of Jesus Christ, and that is ~ Servant!

This type of grand standing and parading of flesh in the House of God is dangerous! As a matter of fact, it is this type of carrying on that has caused many insecure men and women to crave ministry for the wrong reasons. We have “glamorized” ministry as many carry on like Hollywood celebrities instead of humble servants, abusing the pastoral office with displays of vanity and self-aggrandizing. Provoking others to covet the ‘pseudo’ power and authority that is displayed towards them. It's a wonder some have not been struck down like King Herod for parading himself in front of the people! (Story told in Act 12:21-23)

I was a guess speaker at a church in Detroit, MI not long ago. I never personally met the pastor and his wife until the day I arrived to teach the Word of God. After the service, I loaded my car and was ready to head back to the hotel. I thanked the pastor for the opportunity to serve him and his congregation. I then turned to thank his wife. I called her 'Sister......" The pastor immediately said, "First Lady........" I said, "No, my Sister, it was nice meeting you." The pastors countenance and deemer immediately changed. He was "offended." Why? Pride!! Vain Glory!!

Most pastors who practice this anti-Christ, anti-servant, anti-humility behavior will refer to their wives as "Lady Johnson" (I am just using my last name for an example) As if their wife is the only "Lady" in the church? Come on now! I smell a rat, don't you??

I say to ALL pastors and sisters in Christ that are carrying on like this....YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER!! I am not calling anyone that CLAIMS to be a follower of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ "first lady" of nothing! And for YOU that is reading this article, you should not either! There is only one First Lady that I am aware of currently and rightfully so, her name is Michelle Obama! The wife of The President of the United States of America! The rest are ALL wanna b's in the House of God usurping the praises of God's people in the Name of Jesus! You ALL need to REPENT!! There is only one to be praised and honored and His Name is JESUS!!
If you are offended by this truth, so be it! Jesus is the Captain of the Host! Doesn't matter if the church has 100,000 church members! Wrong is WRONG and this my friend IS WRONG!!
The "first lady" in these churches have absolutely NO power to forgive you or anyone for that matter of their sins! Nor does their husband's who encourage this arrogant behavior!

Worship GOD And HIM Alone!
PS....Just in case, here is pic of the REAL First Lady: