Seduction of Seminary

Doctor, Bishop, Elder Johnson has just received his doctorate in theology!!!  He begins to DEMAND everyone to call him Dr. Johnson!  He is now clad in his black suits with his white collar everywhere he goes.  He has become a bona fide ‘legend in his own mind.”  He boasts everywhere he goes of his ‘academic’ accomplishments.  He takes up ten minutes of every service time to bask in his glory, especially when he is the guest speaker…..Oh’!   Get ready! This is going to take at least 15-20 minutes!!!  He is arrogant! He is haughty!

This is the epidemic we have in the American church like never before! 

 Seminary and theological colleges (online especially) are bursting at the seams.  Everyone is claiming they have the “credentials” to be a preacher of some kind, educated oracles, masters of Bible stories, and methods on how to orate their memorized Bible verses and stories before a crowd.  It’s a ‘fad’ like we have never seen before.

 Education can no doubt make us look good and ‘feel’ important; but when it comes to knowing God and walking with him, SORRY to be the bearer of bad news, IT MEANS ZERO!!  In fact, it can corrupted “the call” of God on your life if you do not understand the Scriptures.

If God hates pride, and he does, how can so many boast of their education (exchange of knowledge) about God and mistreat his people with their smug, elitist attitudes?

Make no mistake in my presenting this argument, Seminary can be a great enhancement for exposition and knowledge, but it cannot, and will not ever produce ‘experience’ with Jesus. There are some things that cannot be expounded at all! Not even by the most noted theologian or scholar, but rather, they MUSTbe experienced with Him. Peace being one of those things. Who can really articulate this basic truth and attribute of the Prince of Peace? It must be experienced.

Every man that God has ever laid his hand on for service, was stripped!  Moses was a prince with power.  Elisha was a wealthy herdsman.  Paul, the apostle was a religious scholar, AND Jesus!  He was the Son of God sitting on the right hand of God!  All stripped to serve!!!!!  All of them suffered!!  ALL OF THEM!!!  No seminary, no ceremonial rituals to lift them up before their peers.  NOTHING, but pain, pain and more PAIN!!!  By the way, wasn’t it the educated Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and Teachers of the Law that crucified Jesus??

Knowledge of principles and methods of interpreting the Bible, does not mean one knows Jesus or God.  When we allow the purpose of our study of the Bible to become a ‘method’ for finding sermons rather than finding Jesus, we have been deceived.

 When Jesus ‘called’ Peter and his brother James, He said, Matthew 4:19, “Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This was their invitation to the ministry. This was their ‘calling’. Now, we must understand this, Peter and James were not ready for ministry… yet! They had to walk with Jesus and learn of HIM. Peter and his brother ate with Jesus and talked with Jesus. These men were with Jesus for three intense years of study ~ not academia, but Jesus! They were being taught and prepared by the Word Himself. It is very important for us to note that Jesus has not changed the way He prepares “His servants” for ministry in this generation. We have! 

Regardless of how much theology we can boast that we know, it does not qualify us to be servants of Christ. Jesus knows who we are and it is He that gives authority to His servants, not man! Jesus gives the authorization in your spirit and then He will have man give you a confirmation in the earth. Just as He did with Paul the apostle, who spent fourteen years being downloaded with ‘revelation’ of Jesus.  Not formula’s, methods of interpretation and sermons on how to be blessed, but rather, revelation of Jesus.

Peter was the first of the disciples to acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. Jesus told him “that flesh and blood had not revealed this truth to him, but rather His father in Heaven” had revealed it to Peter, Matthew 16:17.  When Paul was called to become a servant of Jesus, he tells us in Galatians 1:16, that he “did not confer with flesh and blood.” Instead he went away and spent time with the Spirit of Christ that taught him and prepared him to later become an apostle (messenger) to the gentiles. 

 Being a graduate of the most prestigious seminary school in the nation does not and will never qualify any of us to speak for Christ. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!  In fact, Paul the apostle of Jesus, who by some estimation has been one of the most influential persons to impact history, was a very educated man.  Paul considered his previous learning by one of the best scholars of his time, Gamaliel, “dung”! He declared all of his accomplishments before Christ as “worthless”!  (Chapter 3 of Philippians, a must read)

We have become “dung” diggers in this generation like never before. We are going after what our early church forefather considered worthless! We have become educated professionals in the pulpits of America. Polished, performing pulpiteers! Workers for hire. Puffed up! Stuck up!  And messed up! Having minds that are filled with the pride of life. Nothing short of modern day Pharisee’s ~ big heads with empty hearts. Great is some of our exegesis of text.  Great is our hermeneutics. However, depression and anxiety has become the portion of many that boast of their ‘degrees’ in theology, which many erroneously believe qualifies them to start ministries while demanding acknowledgement from those that they have been called to protect and lead. 

 Saints of God, education, or shall I say, the exchange of knowledge about scripture and church history does not qualify us for ministry, especially as a pastor! Jesus knows each of His sheep. He knows who is ready and when we are ready just as a parent knows when to release the car keys to their children. Though some may be of legal age to drive, it does not mean they are yet mature enough to drive.  The same is true for ministers who have been 'called' by God, but they have yet to be 'commissioned' by God for the work of ministry.

When a minister serves without the authorization or the commission of the Spirit of Christ, you are illegal in the heavens and in the earth. It does not matter who ‘ordains’ you, how many college degrees you acquire, and who gives you an opportunity to preach your first trial sermon. Unless Christ has been revealed to you, and you know that He, and HE ALONE has sanctioned your ministry, you are out of order!  Your are dangerous to others and to yourself. 

God bless us all to know the difference between a 'big head' lofty oracle, and a "big hearted" lowly servant for the Most High God.  Which one are you? 



Away With Registration Fees for the Word of God!

                            Money Hungry Abusive Preachers                         

I could not believe what I was seeing......four offerings, PLUS a registration fee of $45 was taken up during one church service!  I was visiting a local church while the pastor and his wife sat on the platform and watched the guest speaker's hustle the congregation, one being a man with a foreign accent who attempted to call 100 people to give $33 each to the pastor and his wife for the conference expenses .....I thought the $45.00 registration fee was for that!   Hmmmmm?  

This man held up 100 envelopes that he  told the people he brought "especially for them."  Prior to working his $33 heist, he had already called for a 'love offering" for the speakers and the tithers.  Then came the keynote speaker of the evening who was a female, so called "prophetess" and "apostle." 

This woman was the last of the evening to collect the fourth offering.  It was unbelievable!  She had absolutely no shame nor any discernment to sense that the people were "ALL moneyed OUT" from the third offering that the facilitator took right before she was called to the microphone 35 minutes prior.   She did not care, she was going to get in on the money action too!  The interesting thing to note was that this woman did have a doctrinally sound message, BUT, she revealed her MONEY HUNGRY spirit at the end of her message as she attempted to hype the people to receive a prophecy from her as she called those who could write a $1,000 check and could come and put it in "her" hands.  TRICKERY!  Witchcraft, and manipulation at its best for the weak and unlearned.

My friend, do not believe the hype!  NEVER GIVE YOUR MONEY UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES!! NEVER!!

Many pastors will 'scold' there congregations for their lack of support of their conference ideas that they impose on their follower's and expect them to pay for it.  They are upset!!

Naturally speaking, if a person throws a party and invites guest, the guest are not expected to pay for the expense. They did not ask you to have the party. You decided to have the party, so you should pay for it! Can you imagine going to your families Thanksgiving party and after you finish eating that turkey and stuffing, your father goes off on you for not helping him pay for his turkey?  The next year your father invites you and your family over again. This time he sends out a special invitation that tells you that there will be a pre-registration fee for all that plan to attend due to the lack of financial support the following year. This sounds crazy right? I do not know about you, but I would be concerned that my father has an unhealthy love of money, rather than a genuine love for fellowship with the family, wouldn’t you?  How much more shall we question the motives of those that are charging enormous fees to enter fellowships to hear the Word of God?? 

It does not matter who does this pre-registration of financial fees, it is wrong! If the meeting is going to cost you your money before you enter, it has not been called by God.   Fellowship of the saints is not like a worldly concert or a secular business workshop that you register to come too.  These practices are corroding the hearts and minds of God’s people, tempting them to become merchandisers’ too! We are being seduced to be like, and act just like the world.  Greed, lack of faith, and selfish ambition fuels these ungodly methods, while disregarding the poor and the brokenhearted that cannot afford our “symposiums” and conferences.  I find it very interesting to note that most of the “big” preachers are the very ones that have these financial fees and for some, you will find on their web sites where they tell you the cost of their conferences as they solicit you to pay for it!  Talk about arrogant!  Talk about greeeeeeedy!  It’s your party, YOU PAY FOR IT!

Listen to what Jesus teaches us in Luke 14:12-14, “When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbors; lest they also bid thee again, and recompense be made thee.  But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee, for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” 

PITBULL, Self-Proclaming "Prophets"

So called 'prophets' and 'prophetess' are growing in droves, especially in the African American churches.  They are everywhere! They usually run in packs just like wolves, and 99% of the time they will INSIST  everyone call them 'prophet' or 'prophetess."  This is the MARK of these counterfeiter's.  They demand recognition, however, these men and women are very insecure wanna be's that are extremely controlling to say the least. 

Without fail, they crave 'homage' and so called "respect" from those who do not know that JESUS CHRIST IS KING of ALL Glory, NOT mortal men and women who have been deceived by their own unquenchable lust for power and recognition.

I recently encountered one of these BIG HEAD warlocks who immediately attempted to rebuke me for calling him "Brother" upon meeting him (which is normal for "most" Christians who identify themselves as followers of Jesus.)  He went on to say that his name was "Prophet ----- Williams," and that I should "Give honor, where honor was due.............."  WHAT....hold my PURSE and let me take my earrings off!!   Are you kidding me????????

I did not know this man from the man in the moon!

This man commenced to tell me that 'kings' come before 'queens,' and that  He was a Man of God, and that I was disrespecting him by calling him "Brother Williams,"  he was like a pit bull........I was so trying to stay calm and polite as he insisted that in my introduction in meeting him (in public setting, not a church/fellowship meeting) that I should call him "Prophet Williams."

My Friend reading this blog, do you know that:
RESPECT NOT EARNED, BUT RATHER DEMANDED, IS WITCHCRAFT??  Especially when a man or woman claims they are "SERVANTS" of Jesus Christ?  Make no mistake, Jesus has not sent them!  They are counterfeits!   That is why they have temper tamptrums like this man did when they cannot force you to bow to their madness.... they are legends in their own minds, just like Haman, who wanted to kill Mordecai because he would not bow to him when he came into his presence.  See story in the Book of Esther

Haman hated Mordecai.  And so it is with many so called preacher's who have discussions behind closed doors with one another labeling men and women who do not want to be apart of their little kingdoms a.k.a. churches and obey "THEIR" pet doctrines, commandments, traditions, AND their unnecessary "titles" that they heap upon themselves like fake junk jewelry that they want everyone to see and believe that it is real, in this case that they are some "great" wonder from God.

Personally, I am spiritually sick of these BIG HEAD imposter's!   They are dangerous to say the least.  If I tell you I am a prophetess, but I am looking like a harlot talking to you with my breast in your face and my thighs in your space, I don't know about you, but I would say that something is wrong with the picture!  AND, the same should be true for a man claiming he is a prophet of God demanding you to acknowledge him as a 'prophet.'

I kept trying to be polite to this man and hold my peace, but before I knew it, I said,  "Brother, I do not know you and I do not know if you are "prophet" just because you say you are..........Elijah was called Elijah, Moses was Moses, Paul was called Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle (with a lower case "a") ....AND, Jesus was Jesus!!  Why are you calling yourself Prophet ---- Williams?  Tell me who you have raised from the dead?  What Red Sea have you opened?  And why was Jesus constantly telling the people he healed and delivered not to tell ANYONE who he was?    So your GREATER than Jesus????  WHO ARE YOU?? ......

Worldly men and women boast of who they are!  They love titles and recognition.  Make no mistake about it, its a dead give away for the countless imposter's that are claiming they are messenger's of Jesus Christ, specifically those who boast they are prophets and prophetess......listen closely to them, its all about them and their 'anointing' that everyone should "respect" because they are soooooo anointed!  SHUT UP!!!!!   To each and everyone of you BIG HEAD menaces to the Cross of Jesus Christ, and for all of my brother's and sisters that are fed up as I am of these Big Head wanna' b's............SHUT UP!  Put a muzzle on it already!!!!!   Go somewhere, sit down and learn about JESUS!  If some of these Big Head wanna b's would put up the same fuss as they do in forcing other's to lift their name, instead of Jesus, maybe the church and this Nation would not be in the crisis we are in.

These types of arrogant, demanding narcissist love titles and recognition.  They crave it like a addict does substances that get them 'high.'  The only difference is they are inhaling self, they are high off self.  Egomaniacs for sure!

God Help us all to know the difference and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE from men and women like this.  They are EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS TO YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH!

Jesus is the Super Star!  He is the Boss that died on The Cross for our sins.  All else can go and ....... JUMP!!  You cannot tell me you are greater than Jesus Christ who did not boast of who he was demanding "respect."  You cannot tell me you are greater than Elijah... a real prophet, so please, SIT IT DOWN AND SHUT IT UP!!!  And by the way, would some of you so called, self proclaiming "prophetess" PUT SOME CLOTHES ON !!  I am sick and tired of these half naked, fake, self-proclaiming 'prophetess' too!!
I found myself at an old fashioned tent revival within days after this encounter with this false prophet.  The praise and worship was awesome and I was ready to hear the Word of God.  To my surprise the woman that took the podium had on a 'hot pink' dress cut above her knees with greased bare legs and her 'sexy'  heeled pumps that had no straps in the back (they are called mules), and her bare arms were exposed where we could see her under arms? ? ?  The pastors and other male leaders present were all in long sleeved suits.  Why was she sooooo hot and needed to expose herself as she did?  I can tell you why, she was a counterfeiter.  JEZEBEL!!  Casting her spell....SEXuality!  
It had to be nearly 100 degrees under that tent, the men took the heat, but Miss Hot Thang couldn't??? 
Last I checked, to whom much is given, more is required! 
 My Sister's who are we really kidding here?  You can't "HEAR" God telling you to cover up that tabernacle in modest apparel...especially when you stand before men, women, boys and girls.   You are a liar and the truth AIN'T in you!!  Modest apparel is elementary!   You are fake as a three dollar bill just like the controlling spirit I have just described.
Fall on The Rock, or The Rock is going to fall on you!  The Kingdom of God and its true follower's of Jesus do not seek man's approval, vote or praise.....we walk circumspectly and we do not crave the applause of our mortal counterparts.  We seek God's peace as our compass and his joy as our strength.  All else is vanity, vanity, ALLLLLL Vanity!
Let the REAL prophets, PLEASE stand up!