Without fail, they crave 'homage' and so called "respect" from those who do not know that JESUS CHRIST IS KING of ALL Glory, NOT mortal men and women who have been deceived by their own unquenchable lust for power and recognition.
I recently encountered one of these BIG HEAD warlocks who immediately attempted to rebuke me for calling him "Brother" upon meeting him (which is normal for "most" Christians who identify themselves as followers of Jesus.) He went on to say that his name was "Prophet ----- Williams," and that I should "Give honor, where honor was due.............." WHAT....hold my PURSE and let me take my earrings off!! Are you kidding me????????
I did not know this man from the man in the moon!
My Friend reading this blog, do you know that:
RESPECT NOT EARNED, BUT RATHER DEMANDED, IS WITCHCRAFT?? Especially when a man or woman claims they are "SERVANTS" of Jesus Christ? Make no mistake, Jesus has not sent them! They are counterfeits! That is why they have temper tamptrums like this man did when they cannot force you to bow to their madness.... they are legends in their own minds, just like Haman, who wanted to kill Mordecai because he would not bow to him when he came into his presence. See story in the Book of Esther.
Haman hated Mordecai. And so it is with many so called preacher's who have discussions behind closed doors with one another labeling men and women who do not want to be apart of their little kingdoms a.k.a. churches and obey "THEIR" pet doctrines, commandments, traditions, AND their unnecessary "titles" that they heap upon themselves like fake junk jewelry that they want everyone to see and believe that it is real, in this case that they are some "great" wonder from God.
Personally, I am spiritually sick of these BIG HEAD imposter's! They are dangerous to say the least. If I tell you I am a prophetess, but I am looking like a harlot talking to you with my breast in your face and my thighs in your space, I don't know about you, but I would say that something is wrong with the picture! AND, the same should be true for a man claiming he is a prophet of God demanding you to acknowledge him as a 'prophet.'
I kept trying to be polite to this man and hold my peace, but before I knew it, I said, "Brother, I do not know you and I do not know if you are "prophet" just because you say you are..........Elijah was called Elijah, Moses was Moses, Paul was called Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle (with a lower case "a") ....AND, Jesus was Jesus!! Why are you calling yourself Prophet ---- Williams? Tell me who you have raised from the dead? What Red Sea have you opened? And why was Jesus constantly telling the people he healed and delivered not to tell ANYONE who he was? So your GREATER than Jesus???? WHO ARE YOU?? ......
Worldly men and women boast of who they are! They love titles and recognition. Make no mistake about it, its a dead give away for the countless imposter's that are claiming they are messenger's of Jesus Christ, specifically those who boast they are prophets and prophetess......listen closely to them, its all about them and their 'anointing' that everyone should "respect" because they are soooooo anointed! SHUT UP!!!!! To each and everyone of you BIG HEAD menaces to the Cross of Jesus Christ, and for all of my brother's and sisters that are fed up as I am of these Big Head wanna' b's............SHUT UP! Put a muzzle on it already!!!!! Go somewhere, sit down and learn about JESUS! If some of these Big Head wanna b's would put up the same fuss as they do in forcing other's to lift their name, instead of Jesus, maybe the church and this Nation would not be in the crisis we are in.
These types of arrogant, demanding narcissist love titles and recognition. They crave it like a addict does substances that get them 'high.' The only difference is they are inhaling self, they are high off self. Egomaniacs for sure!
God Help us all to know the difference and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE from men and women like this. They are EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS TO YOUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH!
I found myself at an old fashioned tent revival within days after this encounter with this false prophet. The praise and worship was awesome and I was ready to hear the Word of God. To my surprise the woman that took the podium had on a 'hot pink' dress cut above her knees with greased bare legs and her 'sexy' heeled pumps that had no straps in the back (they are called mules), and her bare arms were exposed where we could see her under arms? ? ? The pastors and other male leaders present were all in long sleeved suits. Why was she sooooo hot and needed to expose herself as she did? I can tell you why, she was a counterfeiter. JEZEBEL!! Casting her spell....SEXuality!
It had to be nearly 100 degrees under that tent, the men took the heat, but Miss Hot Thang couldn't???
Last I checked, to whom much is given, more is required!
My Sister's who are we really kidding here? You can't "HEAR" God telling you to cover up that tabernacle in modest apparel...especially when you stand before men, women, boys and girls. You are a liar and the truth AIN'T in you!! Modest apparel is elementary! You are fake as a three dollar bill just like the controlling spirit I have just described.
Fall on The Rock, or The Rock is going to fall on you! The Kingdom of God and its true follower's of Jesus do not seek man's approval, vote or praise.....we walk circumspectly and we do not crave the applause of our mortal counterparts. We seek God's peace as our compass and his joy as our strength. All else is vanity, vanity, ALLLLLL Vanity!
Let the REAL prophets, PLEASE stand up!