This is the epidemic we have in the American church like
never before!
If God hates pride, and he does, how can so many boast of
their education (exchange of knowledge) about God and mistreat his people with
their smug, elitist attitudes?
Make no mistake in my presenting this argument, Seminary can be a great enhancement for exposition and
knowledge, but it cannot, and will not ever produce ‘experience’ with Jesus.
There are some things that cannot be expounded
at all! Not even by the most noted theologian or scholar, but rather, they MUSTbe experienced with Him. Peace being
one of those things. Who can really
articulate this basic truth and attribute of the Prince of Peace? It must be experienced.
Knowledge of principles and methods of interpreting the Bible, does not mean one knows Jesus or God. When we allow the purpose of our study of the Bible to become a ‘method’ for finding sermons rather than finding Jesus, we have been deceived.
Regardless of how much theology we can boast that we know,
it does not qualify us to be servants of Christ. Jesus knows who we are and it
is He that gives authority to His servants, not man! Jesus gives the
authorization in your spirit and then He will have man give you a confirmation
in the earth. Just as He did with Paul the apostle, who spent fourteen years
being downloaded with ‘revelation’ of Jesus.
Not formula’s, methods of interpretation and sermons on how to be
blessed, but rather, revelation of Jesus.
Peter was the first of the disciples to acknowledge that
Jesus was the Son of the Living God. Jesus told him “that flesh and blood had
not revealed this truth to him, but rather His father in Heaven” had revealed
it to Peter, Matthew 16:17. When Paul was called to become a servant of Jesus, he tells us in Galatians 1:16, that he “did not confer with flesh and blood.”
Instead he went away and spent time with the Spirit of Christ that taught him
and prepared him to later become an apostle (messenger) to the gentiles.
We have become “dung” diggers in this generation like never
before. We are going after what our early church forefather considered
worthless! We have become educated
professionals in the pulpits of America. Polished, performing pulpiteers!
Workers for hire. Puffed up! Stuck up!
And messed up! Having minds that are filled with the pride of life.
Nothing short of modern day Pharisee’s ~ big heads with empty hearts. Great is
some of our exegesis of text. Great is
our hermeneutics. However, depression and anxiety has become the portion of
many that boast of their ‘degrees’ in theology, which many erroneously believe
qualifies them to start ministries while demanding acknowledgement from those
that they have been called to protect and lead.
When a minister serves without the authorization or the commission
of the Spirit of Christ, you are illegal in the heavens and in the earth. It
does not matter who ‘ordains’ you, how many college degrees you acquire, and who gives you an opportunity to preach your
first trial sermon. Unless Christ has been revealed to you, and you know that
He, and HE ALONE has sanctioned your ministry, you are out of order! Your are dangerous to others and to yourself.
God bless us all to know the difference between a 'big head' lofty oracle, and a "big hearted" lowly servant for the Most High God. Which one are you?
God bless us all to know the difference between a 'big head' lofty oracle, and a "big hearted" lowly servant for the Most High God. Which one are you?