Have you ever been in a church service like this? I have! And I tell you this my Friend, some of these men and woman that tell this BIG FAT LIE on God are very, VERY convincing. They work their magic at the end of their sermon's calling for those who are present with ANY money to come and USUALLY put it in their hand or at their feet.....Hmmmm! Instead of the Money Line in the picture above, it is a line of people being beguiled by professional, very charismatic WORD Brokers! The Word of God IS their product, and at the end of their presentation, they are ready to get PAID!
These predatory preacher's usually start with about $1,000 as the first asking, or shall I say, "claim" that God told them the people in the room would have to give too them. After about 10-15 minutes of 'high pressure sales,' of how gifted they are in prophecy or how many times they have received large money amounts after 'obeying God' the same way they are attempting to beguile their current audience, they decrease the amount to $500, then too $100! Here is where it starts to get interesting, usually by now there is only about 7 people who stood up to give the $1,000 dollars! Now if God REALLY told these people that 20 people were too give $1,000 dollars, THEN there should be 20 people standing with their $1,000 dollars, right?
I'm starting to smell a rat.......What about you? You know why there is usually less than the amount of people they claim GOD says has the $1,000 dollars? Because the true and living GOD has NOT said it! The god of mammon has? False gods and their workers always lie!! God does NOT lie!
By the time these charismatic hustlers begin to embarrass themselves because the people are not standing up with the $1,000 dollars, they initiate the "guilt trip" part of their money game. They begin to tell the congregation that they are 'disobeying God,' by not bringing their money, and they are going to miss the biggest opportunity in their life by their disobedience.........Watch out now! Watch this....then they come in for the kill! They tell everybody, and anybody in the congregation to bring what they can! Find a dollar! Nickle! Or a dime! But you need to find something to give to them so you do not miss the "Move of God" in your life....Hmmmm??
Now listen to me my Friend, this is some serious witchcraft going on right here! If you are not a sincere follower of Jesus Christ and know the voice of the Holy Spirit, you can be tricked by some of these smooth talker's. I have seen some of the best work the room and if it was not for my relationship with God and the Holy Spirit, I'm telling you, I would have been looking for my check book too! That is how strong the Spirit of Balaam is when in operation! Balaam was a prophet of God that went to prophesy for money. Story told in Numbers, Chapter 22. The Book of Jude says this about these charismatic preaching predators, "Woe unto them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core." Jude 1:11.
The worse part of it all is that the men and women who are fleecing God's people and prostituting them have been given permission and access to the congregation by their pastor's! This is a Money Game! A Scam! Everyone involved gets a piece of the pie!
The last time I saw this cruel trickery in action was at a revival in a church in one of the poorest neighborhoods in my City. I could not believe the amount of people who stood up to give the predator their money. He went from a $1,000 line of church goers, to a $10 line of people in fifteen minutes! This preacher was something else! He kept boasting how he was a millionaire and he carried an 'anointing for wealth." "I kept thinking to myself, then why are you standing up there stealing from the poor in the Name of Jesus?"
By the time he finished working his trickery, nearly the whole church was standing with something in their hand waiting for him to summon them down to the front to personally place their $1,000 seed money into their hand to "hopefully" receive a prophecy from him or for him to touch them and 'release' his so called anointing to get wealth upon them. My dear Brother's and Sister's in Christ, THIS IS TRICKERY! Spiritual Prostitution! Its a game of chance. Do you know that even a broken clock is correct twice in a day? What am I saying? These people may have a gift to prophesy, and they may speak words into your life that have been accurate and true, so did Balaam! These people are broken! They are NOT for Christ, they are against Him!
Jesus would NEVER operate like this, N E V E R! How do I know? Because the Scriptures tell us so! Without fail, every church service I have been where this evil spirit showed up, the speakers NEVER talk about Jesus' death, burial or resurrection. They were preaching humanism, and how the audience could get what they had, and how much they gave to get what they claim they have. Their messages are all about earthly gain and earthly destiny, rather than eternal things and eternal life that is found in the preaching of The Cross.
When this con game is in operation, its ultimate goal is to place everyone in the audience under condemnation and fear if you do not give the speaker some money, you are going to miss the blessing of God. This is WITCHCRAFT! Big Time! My dear Friend, they want your Benjamins, Franklins and the Washington's too!! Paper or penny, they do not care! Just get in that line!!
When this con game is in operation, its ultimate goal is to place everyone in the audience under condemnation and fear if you do not give the speaker some money, you are going to miss the blessing of God. This is WITCHCRAFT! Big Time! My dear Friend, they want your Benjamins, Franklins and the Washington's too!! Paper or penny, they do not care! Just get in that line!!
There are many things about Jesus ministry that is clearly revealed for us in the Scriptures, and 'money lines' is NOT one of them! This movement wrong as a broken clock for sure, and when you are hurting, financially depleted, seeking God for direction and affirmation in your life and ministry, these predators can beguile the very elect.
I recall witnessing a very popular female minister who has become very popular in some Pentecostal denominations work a stadium full of ministers. She started her money line at $100,000 for those who were apostles, pastors and bishops after she first put them on the spot by asking them all to stand. Then she again put them on the spot by telling them if they wanted God to Move in a mighty way, they needed to come up to the platform and touch her with their check/seed in their hand. God help us all!
I recall witnessing a very popular female minister who has become very popular in some Pentecostal denominations work a stadium full of ministers. She started her money line at $100,000 for those who were apostles, pastors and bishops after she first put them on the spot by asking them all to stand. Then she again put them on the spot by telling them if they wanted God to Move in a mighty way, they needed to come up to the platform and touch her with their check/seed in their hand. God help us all!
If you are attending a church that has participated in this type of ungodly, anti-Christ activity they call ministry, time to get your hat, coat and your WALLET, and run for the border! At least at Taco Bell you get what you pay for when your hungry!!
Trust God my Friend! He will make a way for you financially. There are those who will swear they have been blessed because they gave a certain amount of money in a setting as I have before mentioned. Here is the great deception and the entrance of pride if you are not cautious, it is now all about what YOU did. And for the preacher that believes he or she is some kind of god, it is all about them. They propagate that it is all about you needing them instead of Him! Who is Him? The one who has created the trees they are cutting to make what these charlatans and hirelings love the most, M O N E Y! Here is my favorite song for them. . . Enjoy! Stay Out of Those Money Lines!!