Why do masses of confessing Christians follow this anti-Christ celebrity behavior? Why are countless denominations exalting this 'armor bearer" position where most carry on like they are secret service, the police, or body guards of pastors and their wives?
The congregations are encouraged to call them 'armor bearers.' What is really going on here?? Who do these pastors think they are? I thought pastor's were suppose to be humble servants of God. Did Jesus have armor bearers? No! So why are pastors acting like they are celebrities carrying on like this? Hey! Make sure you read my Blog, "False Doctrine of Spiritual Coverings."
I am reminded of a woman that told me after she became a follower of Jesus Christ, she was provoked to give away some monies she had earned before her conversion. She visited two churches on a Sunday morning. The first church she knew was not the church too donate nearly $10,000 in CASH! She went to the second church where she believed she was to give the pastor the money.
Immediately after the service, she went down to the front of the church to speak with the pastor. However, she was intercepted by one of the pastors “armor bearers” who refused to allow her to approach the pastor after she decided to give him the $10,000 in CASH to bless his church. She did not understand why she was being treated like a criminal and the pastor like a celebrity or the President of the United States. Needless to say, she kept her $10,000 in CASH and went home. This so-called 'armor bearer' blocked the pastor from a blessing!
Where was our Lord and Saviors 'armor bearers' the day he went to the Cross to die for our sins? Where were they??????????
Where was Steven’s “armor bearers” when he was stoned for preaching the truth? (Story told Acts, Chapter 7) What about Paul the apostle who was beaten on three different occasions by the Roman’s whip and stoned, Acts 16:22, "....The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered themto be stripped and beaten." Where were his armor bearers? What are we doing Saints of God? This anti-Christ behavior is shrouded in pride and vainglory!!
This 'armor bearer' position is anti-Christ!! It is man made!! A tradition of men! It is Ministry Madness!! In many cases (not all) these "armor bearers' are people with low self-esteem that allow controlling and abusive leaders to treat them like slaves because they want to be recognized and ordained for ministry by them. They are 'spiritual brown noser's." Make sure you read my Blog, "First Ladies in Christian Churches?"
In the Old Testament we find mention of armor bearers who were those that carried additional weapons for commanders in battle. They would finish killing wounded enemies by using swords and clubs to stab or beat them to death! This was a very grueling and vicious job! Now who would ‘really’ want to consider himself or herself an "armor bearer" in the Church of Jesus Christ, after He told us to "bless them who curse us, Luke 6:38" and to, "....Overcome evil with good Romans 12:21?" DON'T KILL EM'!
David was King Saul’s armor bearer at one time. However, now there is ONLY ONE King in the church of Jesus Christ, and He is He! Why are we making up positions that are not needed nor warranted in the New Testament church? We are setting up ‘spiritual’ gallows for our brothers and sisters to fall into the snare of pride and elitism when we exalt them before God's people.
The church is NOT a hierarchy and pastors are NOT gods!!
We are to serve one another!! How dare anyone that is a real disciple of Jesus Christ exercise this ‘pseudo’ authority over another disciple of Christ? How dare some of us twist and use the scriptures to justify our need for control over others? Who has “really” sent you?
Jesus said in Matthew 23: 11, “The greatest among you will be your servant (this would include apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers). For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”In other words, greatness in the Kingdom of God is expressed by serving, not being served! Great people are always serving others, always! We take after our Master, Jesus, who said, “the disciple is not above his master; but every one that is perfect shall be as his teacher, Luke 6:40” Jesus was not self-serving in the least. He was a servant par excellent! He is letting us know in this text, that whoever is your “master,” which in the Greek means; teacher or instructor, you shall be as they are.
The question that needs to be asked to American Christians is this, who is their pastor's master? Because those that are “real” disciples of Jesus Christ will not let you out serve them!
Jesus washed his disciple’s feet in John 13:11-17. Listen to what he told his disciples whom later became apostles (real ones). “You call me Master and Lord; and you say well for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, then you should do as I have done to you. Verily, Verily, I say unto you, The Servant is not greater than he that has sent him? Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, do you “HEAR” what Jesus said to us? We are ALL servants NOT celebrities! Not commanders! There is “ONLY ONE” Commander in charge. “ONLY ONE!” His Name is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, crucified for the sins of the world…. did you get that! Jesus is His Name…Wooooo! Glory to God forevermore!
The word master in the Greek meaning as Jesus spoke in the before mentioned text, is teacher or instructor. "Who has taught you what you know?" Or shall I ask this in our more popular cliché throughout many sects of Christendom, where did you receive your "impartation?" Who “birthed” you out?
If some of us would serve our spouses and children the way we are sucking up and 'serving' some of these pastors, we would not have divorces and backslidden angry children as we do in the Church of America!
REAL pastors ARE servants!!
Nothing more and nothing less!
We have made them gods in America!
They are NOT!!!
Some of you will be offended with this article and you will try and defend this 'psuedo position' of armor bearer and the arrogance of these 'pastors.' Why don't you DEFEND The Cross of Jesus Christ? Why insist on lifting up mortal men that Do Not have any power or authority to forgive sin!!
Jesus is The Only One!
There is Nobody Greater - NOBODY!
Jesus is The Only One!
There is Nobody Greater - NOBODY!
I was very disturbed by the 'Armor Bearer' doctrine pushed by a bible college I attended. At the time I could not put my finger on what spirit was behind it. After much consideration, I realized it is riddled by the corruption of Baalim worship. One of the attributes of Jezebel was to get her followers to sacrifice to her idols. Armor bearer doctrine is about idolizing and glorifying man. It is also a means to control by ruling verses serving. Both Baal, 'lord', as the old testament pagan worship of the anti-christ spirit and Ashtoreth, the goddess of queen Jezebel are riddled with these attributes.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I only stayed for the first year at the college. I walked out of the 'Armor Bearer' teaching. I refused to allow them total control over my life or a position as an 'armor bearer'. They then refused to elevate me into ministry. I forbad them from elevating me into ministry. That was the role of the Holy Spirit, not them.