"First Ladies" In Christian Churches?

I recently visited a church where the service began and suddenly it was stopped! We were all asked to stand, clap and "honor" the “Bishop” and the “First Lady” as they walked from the back of the sanctuary to the elevated pulpit area with an entourage of people following them. My immediate thought was, ‘Okay, this is a cult!’ Although they were singing about Jesus and how great God was. They had “Christian” paraphernalia everywhere, but what was going on here? I presumed this exalting of the pastor and his wife at this church was a ritual of their gatherings. It was as if the church members were literally worshipping them. I was very disturbed to say the least as this "first lady" sat on the platform as if she was the Queen of Sheba. I could not believe it!

This "First Lady" title has become a tradition in so many churches. It no doubt fuels selfish ambition for young ministers who are emulating their pastors in these types of Churches who exalt their wives in this erroneous and anti-Christ behavior. 
Ephesians 4:10 tells us that before Christ ascended he gave ministry gifts for the edifying of the Body of Christ, "apsostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.........."  NO "first ladies." 
In many cases, the wives are unapproachable, snooty and will not serve those who are in their congregations other than a weekly fashion show of their latest Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom or Saks Fifth Avenue purchases with their follower's tithes and offerings. Yep! That's right! They are spending some of your hard earned monies on extravagant living that they will unashamedly flaunt in the face of their weak, indoctrinated people who are following "them" instead of "Him." Who is Him? Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world, WHO IS a Good Shephard, NOT a glory seeking charlatan, usurping praise, honor and worship.

I understand loving our pastors and their families. I understand trying to let them know that we appreciate their sacrifice, but we must be careful in our method of doing things in corporate worship that exalts man instead of Christ. There is a very fine line between "honoring" someone and "worshipping" them! Especially servants for Jesus Christ....if they REALLY are HIS servants?

Can you imagine Paul the apostle (messenger) of Christ carrying on like this every time he came into the fellowship to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Corinth, Ephesus or Galatia? "I can’t!" Our forefather would not stand for it! Though Paul was not married, he was God's man. He was a REAL apostle! Unlike the many running around our Nation claiming that they are and have not been on ONE missionary trip to foreign land where the Gospel has not been preached! "Oops! I'm sorry! That was a bunny trail-Read my other blog Apostles Gone Mad."

Where did we get this ‘first lady’ thing from anyway? Jesus told us in Luke 13:30, “that the last shall be first and the first shall be last.” It seems to me if you were to call me anything other than Sister Sharon; I would rather that you call me “The L A S T Lady!” Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is only one real ‘title’ that is fitting for those that ‘really’ are disciples of Jesus Christ, and that is ~ Servant!

This type of grand standing and parading of flesh in the House of God is dangerous! As a matter of fact, it is this type of carrying on that has caused many insecure men and women to crave ministry for the wrong reasons. We have “glamorized” ministry as many carry on like Hollywood celebrities instead of humble servants, abusing the pastoral office with displays of vanity and self-aggrandizing. Provoking others to covet the ‘pseudo’ power and authority that is displayed towards them. It's a wonder some have not been struck down like King Herod for parading himself in front of the people! (Story told in Act 12:21-23)

I was a guess speaker at a church in Detroit, MI not long ago. I never personally met the pastor and his wife until the day I arrived to teach the Word of God. After the service, I loaded my car and was ready to head back to the hotel. I thanked the pastor for the opportunity to serve him and his congregation. I then turned to thank his wife. I called her 'Sister......" The pastor immediately said, "First Lady........" I said, "No, my Sister, it was nice meeting you." The pastors countenance and deemer immediately changed. He was "offended." Why? Pride!! Vain Glory!!

Most pastors who practice this anti-Christ, anti-servant, anti-humility behavior will refer to their wives as "Lady Johnson" (I am just using my last name for an example) As if their wife is the only "Lady" in the church? Come on now! I smell a rat, don't you??

I say to ALL pastors and sisters in Christ that are carrying on like this....YOU ARE OUT OF ORDER!! I am not calling anyone that CLAIMS to be a follower of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ "first lady" of nothing! And for YOU that is reading this article, you should not either! There is only one First Lady that I am aware of currently and rightfully so, her name is Michelle Obama! The wife of The President of the United States of America! The rest are ALL wanna b's in the House of God usurping the praises of God's people in the Name of Jesus! You ALL need to REPENT!! There is only one to be praised and honored and His Name is JESUS!!
If you are offended by this truth, so be it! Jesus is the Captain of the Host! Doesn't matter if the church has 100,000 church members! Wrong is WRONG and this my friend IS WRONG!!
The "first lady" in these churches have absolutely NO power to forgive you or anyone for that matter of their sins! Nor does their husband's who encourage this arrogant behavior!

Worship GOD And HIM Alone!
PS....Just in case, here is pic of the REAL First Lady:


  1. Amen! my Sister! I am a 1st Lady and I believe that we SHOULD be servants to the congregation and not the other way around. We only have this title by default because we are married to the pastor. I am the opposite of what I see on TV and what I have experienced. I believe in getting my hands dirty and will do whatever it takes to help bring the vision that God gave my husband to past. It is a sad state of affairs when the "1st Lady" can be approached. Somewhere the body of Christ has lost what it means to be a SERVANT.

  2. I agree, we have honored man and women to long not giving honor unto God, we stand when they come in and wan stand for worship. I have seen Pastors wives not lift a finger to help in the church but want to be served, I have seen them get feed before they feed babies in the church at a church dinner, sad then whats ever left over then the people get theirs. they will tell you I have put my time in, so now is my time that someone else serve me.

  3. This has really been an eye opener for me to just read these articles. Unfortunately, my church has experienced the false prophet and the arrogant behavior of the first-lady. Also, these same people made off with our money and went and started another ministry. Since then GOD has opened my eyes to the things that I couldn't see because in All honestly I was worshiping man more than I worshiped GOD which made me too, close to see what God was trying to show me all along. Thanks for forgiving me LORD, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!.

  4. OMG! The word do declare that my people perish for the lack of knowledge.
    So, if people would just read His word and be doers of the word as well, people who say they are followers of Christ, Christians will be in a better place. I try not to use in the church because I know better but we know that this is a narrow way. There are not many on this journey. My God if all will began to study to show thyself approve unto God and not man. I feel a sermon coming on from this one. This is good to my soul!

  5. Amen and Amen I was fall in the same situation of call my Pastors wife First Lady. Thank you for open up my eyes and now I have to learn from this and practice at my church. God bless and I honor this articles.

  6. I was in the military and have witnessed many first ladies behaving this way. The only time their nice to me for real was when I was pregnant. Other than that they are fake nice and intimidated. I don't want their husbands. I come for Jesus. I really hate this because I love them, but they've been hurt so much they can't accept me because of their insecurities. It's really tiresome.

  7. I agree with you to a point...pastors and their wives are servants (as all believers are). The pastor's wife being called First Lady is not the issue, no more than being called by your birth name or a nickname, it is just an identifier. The issue is the attitude of the person. Not all pastor's wives are self serving, this is an unfair assessment of the women who walk with the men of God who have been called to pastor. Question I have for you, why would you hold the president and his wife in higher regard than men and women of God? How can you be ok with the president's wife being called First Lady and not the pastor's wife? Sounds a little inconsistent, the president is elected not his wife, but you are OK with his wife being called First Lady.

  8. My husband and I recently left a church that is the exact description of this as well as your "Apostle Gone Mad" article. It has caused a huge family issue. The Pastor's wife is my husband's sister (Pastor (who insists that you call him Bishop or Apostle and will not answer to anything else) is my husband's brother in law.). Several members of my husband's family was going to church there and over time the "Bishop and First Lady" worship became worse and worse. When we left, another one of my husband's sisters left as well as her family and so on. NOW, we were all told that we were out of the will of God and would no longer be under "their covering" and that we would not be blessed any longer if we left. It has been a very ugly scene to watch played out. I have never in my life seen so called ministers act with so much pride. Please pray for our family that God will heal the broken places they have caused. My husband's mother is still there and feels very torn in both directions. She sees the issue but can't seem to pull herself away. I fear for the souls of those that are under this ministry.

  9. For the previous comment, I believe you missed the boat. In the White House the term "First Lady" is an actual position that comes with specific expectations. This article is revealing to us that the term "First Lady" is not scripture based but manmade. God tells us what he put in His house and for what reason. The Word of God also states that we are not to add to nor take away from.... Adding First Lady only opens the door for Satan to enter.
