Tattoos affect you psychologically!
Once you are painted you want to show it off. This is where vainglory enters the heart and countless followers of Christ are finding it very difficult to stop sinning. Why? What you are proud of you showcase, for some, they cannot stop having illicit sex because they are craving someone new to see their tattoo on their lower backside. Their spouse is not enough of an audience. They are craving affirmation and attention. This is why we are seeing a very rampant move of women who are unashamedly showcasing their breast in public with tattoos on them in the church as well. Marriages are in shambles as women are compromising their integrity to make their husbands jealous, so they dress provocatively and revealing to showcase their markings. We see male preachers with tight muscle shirts on showing off their muscles and tattoos. Showcasing. Drawing attention to themselves. My dear friend, this is idolatry. Self worship. In fact this is the precise reason many Christians are privately depressed. We are grieving the Holy Spirit with our quest for attention with these forbidden markings that make you SELF conscience, rather than GOD conscience.
Make sure to read my Blog, No More Sex! Get Out that Bed!
Listen to this very carefully, Leviticus 19:28, God gave the people of Israel a direct commandment not to get tattoos.....Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 we read that the body of a Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit and that we are to honor God with our bodies.....Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
If you have painted your body DO NOT feel condemned!! But you MUST understand the weight of pride that you must contend with. You MUST ask yourself this very important question: Why did you get the tattoo in the first place? Why?
I recall a young lady in a church service who sat in front of me. During the ‘praise and worship’ part of the service, she was dancing and carrying on in a way that you could not help but to notice her because of her over expressive “praise and worship.” I was shocked when the speaker told everyone to turn around and greet someone that you did not know. This young lady had on a tight fitted shirt that revealed her breast. She had a tattoo of a ‘cobra snake’ in the middle of her breast!
This young lady was loud and constantly kept saying hallelujah! She kept standing up during the service as the Word of God was being preached. She was determined that everyone would see her. She was not ashamed in the least. Why? She was not at church to hear from God, but rather to showcase her god, herself and the serpent that was so carefully revealed on her breast, which was a clear indicator of who she really served. This is the seduction of tattoos; you are tempted to always ‘showcase’ it. Even at the expensive of others in the House of God.
Christians do not mark your body! Especially, with another persons name. It is a sign of ownership. You are branded and claimed for life! If you have marked your body, you must seek God for freedom from the soul tie that you will more than likely have to the person or the thing that you placed on your body. You must resist the temptation to exalt yourself by exposing your markings on your body and understand the power of these markings that feed the ego and can cause a gateway of pride in your life. I have seen praying hands and crosses on many. They are very proud of their religious images on their bodies, but remember this. The greatest testimony for Christ is your testimony, NOT your tattoo! The Gospel of Jesus Christ should be 'preached' NOT painted on God's property!
Also Read:
Music - Spiritual Assassin of the Soul
Sexual Attire Taking Over the Church!
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