*** W A R N I N G ***
following does NOT promote traditional humanistic, psychological theories and
scientific formulas, but it will work for sincere people who want change in
their lives for REAL!!!
There are VERY important truths that MUST be said
to help you overcome if you struggle with suicidal thoughts and chronic
depression. Are you REALLY ready to
break free from homicidal thoughts and chronic depression? Okay, I’m going to give it to you straight! My Friend, you have a thinking problem! You are consumed with you! Yes you are!
I am going to prove it to you, the next time you are feeling overwhelmed
with thoughts of destroying yourself, ask this question of yourself….who are
you thinking about? Y O U!
SELF occupation,
brings SELF destruction!
You are pre-occupied with yourself! You are!
Don’t you realize the depth of pain multitudes are facing every second
of the day who has lost those they love to tragedy, sickness and disease, but
they are making it through? They have not thrown in the towel to life as they
endure the pain. They are striving to
move on with their lives, they dare not consider self-murder! Why are you? What makes your situation any
different regardless of what it is? I will tell you my Friend, it is the way
you have chosen to THINK ABOUT IT!
You ask the question, why am I coming at you in
this manner as if I do not care about your pain and problems, I do care! This
is precisely the reason I am striving with you to STOP sitting around thinking
about yourself! You are not the only one
who has pain my Friend. You are not!
Hey! I could tell you some stories of the emotional
pain and suffering I’m currently enduring at this present time that would blow
your hair back off your head!! Oh' yes I
could! Come on, we all have a story my
Friend. GET OVER YOURSELF!!! God DOES have a plan for you. He has joy and peace
to give too you freely, BUT you have to seek him, just like you have to go to
the gym and work out to get a six pack of muscles! They do not just appear; you
have to WORK OUT!!
Feelings will always oppose your faith, ALWAYS!!!
RESIST WHAT YOU FEEL. It’s time to go
for what you know about God. And if you don't know, time to stop PLAYING church
games and pick up that BIBLE on your coffee stand and search those scriptures
until He reveals himself to you!!!!
Hey! I know what I’m talking about! God is REAL,
REAL, REAl!! He did not promise us all things would be easy, breezy like Cover
Girl! He said to those that endure, we shall inherit the Kingdom of God! Come
on! SHAKE YOURSELF!! Cast down those thoughts of harming yourself! CAST THEM
Turn that cell phone off, turn that TV off, and
go talk to God! Do you hear me!!! GO AND TALK TO GOD!! Seek Him! Call on Him!
You must do this by faith!!! Come On!
When you or I spend all of our time pre-occupied
thinking about ourselves: who did what to us, why did they do what they did?
Why is my nose so big, my breast to small, my hair to thin, my stomach too fat,
my ears to big, I ain't got no money! I ain't got no honey!..........You Will
Let NO ONE deceive you! What you think about,
that you will become! You cannot CONSTANTLY think about what you have lost and
do not have and become empowered! Thoughts invoke feelings! Feelings oftentimes
ARE contrived from circumstances that can change overnight for you. Faith and
feelings DO NOT MIX! Your faith won’t grow if you spend all of your time
rehearsing you, you, YOU! YOU, YOU!!!!!!!!!
You cannot convince me that you spend all of your
spare time thinking about how great God is, and you want to die! Despite the wrongs that have been done to
you, despite the money problems you are facing, despite the medical problems
you are facing, my Friend, God has been good to you!
It is NOT fair that you have been mistreated,
lied on, talked about, rejected, scandalized and abandoned by those who
promised to always love and cherish you, BUT you must forgive them AND yourself
too!! We have ALL sinned and fallen
short of the Glory of God!! There are some people that ARE evil!! Evil! Evil! EVIL!
Friend, life is hard and delivers each and every
one of us some crushing blows. All of
Do you have any idea of the pain and suffering
Jesus went through for you to obtain and maintain a PERSONAL relationship with
the Living God? Do you understand what you are telling God who created you when
you consider destroying his handy work that created your earthy body? Do you
REALLY understand what you are telling him?
My Friend, do not destroy your body!!! It is NOT
the answer to your problem.........IT IS THE WAY "YOU"
THINK!!! When a person exits the earth
in torment, they enter eternity the same as their spirit/soul exited the earth,
tormented. I am reminded of young man who was interviewed on a national talk show who jumped 90 feet in an attempt to kill himself after suffering most of his life in depression. He crushed nearly all of his bones in his body. He was given a very slim chance to survive. He did recover, however he admits that he still suffers from depression and the fleeting thoughts of self destruction. Why is this important to understand, because his physical body was not the source of his real pain, it was his soul that still torments him.
Our thoughts affect the way we feel! You cannot
KILL your soul!!!! You have to submit it to God! Fish need water to live.
Flowers need the soil. Your spirit/soul needs God to live!!! You are
spiritually dying because you are away from God, GET BACK INTO GOD, not into
yourself! There is NO life there!
Everything that is alive needs another source from without too live. For human
beings, that true source IS God. Not religion! RELATIONSHIP with God.
Okay, you may say you are mad at God for any
number of reasons. Your ex cheated and ran off with someone else, God did not
cheat on you and run away with someone else on you, they did!! You chose that
person to be in your life, NOT God! You may have some very serious reasons why
you may be angry at God, but what part did YOU play in the scenario? Hey!!! The
truth be told, we can all be tempted to be angry with God at some time or the
other in our lives, but He is still God! He is life! He is patient and
understands our human frailties. He
understands. BUT self-murder is going too
Listen to what the Bible clearly tells us, 1Corinthians 3:16-17, Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] ye are. In other words, do not mess with God's property!!
Listen to what the Bible clearly tells us, 1Corinthians 3:16-17, Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] ye are. In other words, do not mess with God's property!!
Your physical body belongs to God! He created it,
NOT you!! It is NOT yours to destroy.
If you are a sincere follower of Jesus Christ,
and you are contemplating self-murder, consider this fact, it is SELF that you
are considering to murder. We are talking about HOMICIDE HERE!! Why? Because
you are SELF centered rather than Christ centered. Friend, do you not
understand what you REALLY are considering to do too yourself? It is against
the law to murder someone; it is also a spiritual crime as well. God gave you
the breath of life; it is NOT yours to take!! It’s time to die to self, and put
it on the shelf for the cause of Christ!!
What have you done for Him lately? Are you
drowning in dead religious rituals and traditions of men? Are you carrying guilt from something you have
done in your past that causes you to feel dirty and unworthy? This is not the
time to run from God! This is your time to run too Him My Friend! He is waiting
for you to stop being prideful. Yes! Pride can cause you to hide. You cannot
hide from God. Hey! You can ignore Him, but you cannot hide from Him! And if
you are not careful you can make your sins and shortcomings an idle! You can
worship them! Are you worshipping your sin? There is no need for another lamb
to be slain for your shortcomings and past sins, Jesus filled that position
over 2,000 years ago, God is not taking applications for self-martyrs!!!!
Do you struggle with unforgiveness towards those
that have violated you and harmed you? Listen to me very closely my Friend,
this may hurt, but it is the raw truth, who do you think you are? Consider all
the people you have hurt in some way form or fashion. Who are you not to forgive others for what
they have done to you? WHO?
Contrary to popular believe, time does not heal you.....GOD DOES! GET BACK TO GOD!!!
Take time to read the following, they will also assist you in considering many other gateways that can and will encourage wrong thinking that does lead to depression, hopelessness, and many other destructive mind sets. You can make it!!
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Anti-Depressant Drugs Forbidden!
Danger of Tattoos
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