The ‘evidence’ of being ‘filled’ with the Holy Spirit is not speaking in tongues. It is a changed life shrouded with hope, peace, joy and a strong witness for Jesus Christ!
The Holy Spirit is not going to force anyone to speak in tongues, to prophesy or lay hands on the sick. How ludicrous it is for some of us to tell other sincere brothers and sisters in Christ that they do not have the Holy Spirit because they do not speak in tongues? This is absolutely false!! It’s like telling someone that does not want extra ketchup on their fries. They got the fries, but they do not want the ketchup! Jesus clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit is a gift inLuke 11:13. If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children; how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
The Holy Spirit's measure in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ is limited by desire. Many sincere Christians do not speak in tongues simply because they do not want too! Or, they are too intellectual to understand this "SPIRITUAL" gift. Let's face it, the 'carnal' mind does not understand 'spiritual' things. Speaking in tongues is SPIRITual! Like ketchup on your fries, everyone does not desire it. They prefer to eat them plain!
Tarrying for the Holy Ghost?
I visited a church where they gave an altar call for those that wanted to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the ‘evidence’ of speaking in tongues. I went up and was immediately surrounded by women that began to babble and tell me to say, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! I started saying, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! This went on for what seemed like eternity. After about ten minutes of these Jesus, Jesus, Jesus repetitions, I was becoming frustrated and embarrassed, I kept thinking to myself, if this is how to receive the Holy Spirit, I DO NOT WANT IT!!!!
It was a very uncomfortable situation to say the least. I did not know what else to do and they didn’t seem to know either. They called this ‘tarrying’ for the Holy Ghost. Needless to say, when I left the church, I had not yet spoke in tongues. I felt defeated, embarrassed and confused because I knew I was living for God. I loved Him and I wanted to please Him. I wanted to know the Holy Spirit. I knew that these people were very sincere in what they were doing, however, that was not my way to receive this 'spiritual' manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Sad, but true, there are many that believe this is the only way to recieve. This is erroneous and very emotional to say the least.
Churches that do this ‘tarrying’ for the Holy Ghost use a proof text to justify this ritual,“And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until you be endued with power from on high, Luke 24:49.”
This word ‘tarry’ in the above text in its Greek meaning as Jesus spoke it, means to wait, to settle down. In other words, Jesus was telling them to stay, wait, to settle down in the city of Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them in that city. He did not tell them to go and babble, or to use his name like some kind of good luck charm over and over again until the Holy Spirit came upon them. He simply told them not to leave Jerusalem. He did not tell them "WHEN" or "HOW" the Holy Spirit would come upon them, but He did tell them where the Holy Spirit would come upon them.
Repetitious babblings and saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, is not necessary as you tarry/wait and settle down in your heart to receive the Holy Spirit’s power in your life. As a matter of fact, Jesus says this about it, “But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking, Matthew 6:7.”
The Holy Spirit gave me utterance in other tongues in my one bedroom apartment months later after I had an urge to pray and praise God. Up until that time since my emotional encounter at the tarrying church, I brought several books about the Holy Spirit. I kept believing and thanking God for this manifestation that I did not mentally understand, but I believed after I read these words of Jesus, Mark 16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues."
Speaking in tongues is real as a $20 dollar Bill! Skeptics cannot receive what they cannot explain. This is why they are skeptics!
"He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38)
Make time for God daily. Quiet your heart down, worship him in song, dance or however you choose to worship Him. Read the scriptures, talk to God…..keep thanking Him daily for His power in your life. When the Holy Spirit manifests in your life, you will know it my Friend. Trust me, you will know! Do not expect fire works or some 'magical' feeling. But do expect thoughts that you have never had before. Knowledge you never knew before. You will have understanding about things that you’ve seen and heard a thousand times, but you see it like you have never seen it before.
Make sure you read my Blog - The Big Lie About Prayer!
When you do speak with other tongues/languages, if that is your desire, remember, it is your mouth speaking and your voice that you will hear. Trust God my Friend and remember, speaking in tongues is SPIRITUAL. The intellectual and carnal mind cannot receive spiritual things.
Listen to this beautiful song that quiets the soul
and welcomes the Holy Spirit:
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