Sexual, provocatively dressed females have taken over America! Breast, hips and thighs are everywhere!! Why are pastors and church leaders not addressing this very serious issue? Money! Money! Money!
Women are making more money than ever before and we are the most in attendance at most churches where tithes, offerings and donations are flooding in. Pastors do not want to risk 'offending' these women who are clad in sexual attire leading our praise teams, choirs, ushering and making the morning announcements. It is mind boggling to see. In many instances it is very hard to believe you are in a church service, but rather at a nightclub. Its unbelievable!
It is common to see tattooed greased legged women in 4-5 inch heeled Stiletto's and tattooed bare breast unashamedly singing on the praise team or greeting you at the front door! No shame! Their sexual attire no different from a street walker a.k.a. prostitute.
Pastors, elders and other leaders say absolutely NOTHING! They allow these bold Jezebels to advertise as if being cast for the next porno film. They are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially in leadership! So-called female prophetess, evangelists, pastors and "apostles" too! They are the very ones that will in many instances give some 'carnal' excuse why they are sooooo free to express themselves in their sexual, provocative attire in the Name of Jesus. They are deeply insecure and deceived! Yes, that is right! You are deceived my Sister if you think your breasts, hips and thighs are for the world to see. D E C E I V E D!!!!!!! Make no mistake my Sisters, you are playing the harlot big time! You might as well go and sell your body and get paid for it, than keep giving it away for free "Sneak Preview" that you are getting paid nothing for. That makes you "deceived" and a "SILLY WOMAN."
The Rolls Royce is a 'hand made' vehicle unlike a Ford Taurus that is common and does not compare to its value as it is mass produced and 'advertised' every where, however the Rolls Royce does not advertise!!! What am I saying ladies? Your body is more valuable than a man made luxury vehicle. Real women that are disciples of Christ DO NOT ADVERTISE!!!
I have heard EVERY excuse imaginable from women who claim they are followers of Jesus Christ, but yet you cannot tell from all the "NOISE" they are making with their breasts, hips and thighs on display without shame, especially our "more endowed" sisters to whom much has been given, but they do not understand that more is required to carefully adorn their handcrafted, God made vehicle for their journey in the earth. The truth be told, some of us sincerely need to lose some weight and it will be easier to find more appropriate attire to fit your Rolls Royce!!
Listen my brothers and sisters in Christ, this is not an issue of clothing, but rather that of the heart! What is in the heart will manifest in how we talk, walk and adorn our bodies.
Modest apparel protects us from pride and potential harm and danger. Its time for Godly men to get involved! Talk to the women you love, warn them, exhort them to adorn themselves appropriately when in public. These are your daughters, nieces and sisters who are playing the harlot and for many unaware. Every 2 minutes in America a woman/girl is sexually assaulted. It is currently estimated in my city alone, Cleveland, Ohio, that nearly 500 women are missing. Nearly a dozen women have been viciously murdered in the past 5 months alone!
Ladies! You are placing yourself at HIGH RISK as a target for crime! A wise Queen never reveals her TREASURE! Never! You are a Queen, not a harlot! Your body is your treasure, make no mistake about it! It is valuable and should be protected from potential harm and danger that lurks in the hearts of many rapist, murderers and perverts. WAKE UP MY SISTERS! WAKE UP!! And pastors in America! YOU NEED TO REPENT!!! You are suppose to protect the flock/people of God, and teach godliness! The only thing most are protecting is their wallets and personal bank accounts! Yes! That is right! That is why your church is full of Jezebels casting their spells on our brothers, sons, fathers, uncles and grandfathers. If you are a 'pastor' reading this blog and it upsets you, GOOD! Repent and lift up your "rod" in the Name of Jesus Christ and back the wolf out of your congregations!!!!!!!! Stop using these women to 'get paid.' Stop prostituting the people!
Ladies, it takes great humility to cover a well endowed body, and great pride to reveal it! Humble are you? OR Prideful are you? Which do you think God would prefer that you be?
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