Prophets for PROFIT - Fake Money Lines

"God told me that 20 people would be here tonight to sow a seed (your money that is) for $1,000!"  This is what predatory preachers will tell their audience usually at the end of their sermons that are full of hype and emotion.

Have you ever been in a church service like this?  I have!  And I tell you this my Friend, some of these men and woman that tell this BIG FAT LIE on God are very, VERY convincing.  They work their magic at the end of their sermon's calling for those who are present with ANY money to come and USUALLY put it in their hand or at their feet.....Hmmmm!  Instead of the Money Line in the picture above, it is a line of people being beguiled by professional, very charismatic WORD Brokers!  The Word of God IS their product, and at the end of their presentation, they are ready to get PAID!

These predatory preacher's usually start with about $1,000 as the first asking, or shall I say, "claim" that God told them the people in the room would have to give too them.  After about 10-15 minutes of 'high pressure sales,' of how gifted they are in prophecy or how many times they have received large money amounts after 'obeying God' the same way they are attempting to beguile their current audience, they decrease the amount to $500, then too $100!  Here is where it starts to get interesting, usually by now there is only about 7 people who stood up to give the $1,000 dollars!  Now if God REALLY told these people that 20 people were too give $1,000 dollars, THEN there should be 20 people standing with their $1,000 dollars, right?

I'm starting to smell a rat.......What about you?  You know why there is usually less than the amount of people they claim GOD says has the $1,000 dollars?  Because the true and living GOD has NOT said  it! The god of mammon has?  False gods  and their workers always lie!!  God does NOT lie!

By the time these charismatic hustlers begin to embarrass themselves because  the people are not standing up with the $1,000 dollars,  they initiate the "guilt trip" part of their money game.  They begin to tell the congregation that they are 'disobeying God,'  by not bringing their money, and they are going to miss the biggest opportunity in their life by their disobedience.........Watch out now!  Watch this....then they come in for the kill!  They tell everybody, and anybody in the congregation to bring what they can!  Find a dollar! Nickle!  Or a dime!  But you need to find something to give to them so you do not miss the "Move of God" in your life....Hmmmm??

Now listen to me my Friend, this is some serious witchcraft going on right here!  If you are not a sincere follower of Jesus Christ and know the voice of the Holy Spirit, you can be tricked by some of these smooth talker's.  I have seen some of the best work the room and if it was not for my relationship with God and the Holy Spirit, I'm telling you, I would have been looking for my check book too!  That is how strong the Spirit of Balaam is when in operation!  Balaam was a prophet of God that went to prophesy for money.  Story told in Numbers, Chapter 22.  The Book of Jude says this about these charismatic preaching predators, "Woe unto them!  For they have gone the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core." Jude 1:11.

The worse part of it all is that the men and women who are fleecing God's people and prostituting them have been given permission and access to the congregation by their pastor's!  This is a Money Game!  A Scam!  Everyone involved gets a piece of the pie!   

The last time I saw this cruel trickery in action was at a revival in a church in one of the poorest neighborhoods in my City. I could not believe the amount of people who stood up to give the predator their money.  He went from a $1,000 line of church goers, to a $10 line of people in fifteen minutes!  This preacher was something else!  He kept boasting how he was a millionaire and he carried an 'anointing for wealth."  "I kept thinking to myself, then why are you standing up there stealing from the poor in the Name of Jesus?"

By the time he finished working his trickery, nearly the whole church was standing with something in their hand waiting for him to summon them down to the front to personally place their $1,000 seed money into their hand to "hopefully" receive a prophecy from him or for him to touch them and 'release' his so called anointing to get wealth upon them.  My dear Brother's and Sister's in Christ, THIS IS TRICKERY!  Spiritual Prostitution!  Its a game of chance.  Do you know that even a broken clock is correct twice in a day?  What am I saying?  These people may have a gift to prophesy, and they may speak words into your life that have been accurate and true, so did Balaam!  These people are broken!  They are NOT for Christ, they are against Him!

Jesus would NEVER operate like this, N E V E R!  How do I know?  Because the Scriptures tell us so!  Without fail, every church service I have been where this evil spirit showed up, the speakers NEVER talk about Jesus' death, burial or resurrection.   They were preaching humanism, and how the audience could get what they had, and how much they gave to get what they claim they have.  Their messages are all about earthly gain and earthly destiny, rather than eternal things and eternal life that is found in the preaching of The Cross. 

When this con game is in operation, its ultimate goal is to place everyone in the audience under condemnation and fear if you do not give the speaker some money, you are going to miss the blessing of God.  This is
WITCHCRAFT!  Big Time!  My dear Friend,  they want your Benjamins, Franklins and the Washington's too!!  Paper or penny, they do not care!  Just get in that line!!  

There are many things about Jesus ministry that is clearly revealed for us in the Scriptures, and 'money lines' is NOT one of them!  This movement wrong as a broken clock for sure, and when you are hurting, financially depleted, seeking God for direction and affirmation in your life and ministry, these predators can beguile the very elect. 

I recall witnessing a very popular female minister who has become very popular in some Pentecostal denominations work a stadium full of ministers.  She started her money line at $100,000 for those who were apostles, pastors and bishops after she first put them on the spot by asking them all to stand.  Then she again put them on the spot by telling them if they wanted God to Move in a mighty way, they needed to come up to the platform and touch her with their check/seed in their hand.  God help us all! 
If you are attending a church that has participated in this type of ungodly, anti-Christ activity they call ministry, time to get your hat, coat and your WALLET, and run for the border!  At least at Taco Bell you get what you pay for when your hungry!!

Trust God my Friend!  He will make a way for you financially.  There are those who will swear they have been blessed because they gave a certain amount of money in a setting as I have before mentioned.  Here is the great deception and the entrance of pride if you are not cautious, it is now all about what YOU did.  And for the preacher that believes he or she is some kind of god, it is all about them.  They propagate that it is all about you needing them instead of Him!  Who is Him?  The one who has created the trees they are cutting to make what these charlatans and hirelings love the most, M O N E Y!   Here is my favorite song for them. . .  Enjoy!   Stay Out of  Those Money Lines!!


Get Out That Bed!

Okay now, here we go!  The topic of SEX is absolutely horrifying for some of us to hear and discuss, especially at church!  But let's face it, most of us, the only thing that is on our minds is sex and money!  And, if its not, we know someone close to us that it is!  They are confessing Christian men and women that are having sex with any, and everybody!  And some of them ARE married with several lover's.  They are out of control!

Sex, sex, sex!  The single people want it, and the married people don't!  How interesting is this fact.  The one's that have a license to drive, don't want to drive, and the one's that do not have a license (marriage that is) want to drive all over the place......all in the Name of Jesus?

Sex was God's idea!  It is NOT dirty to God, it is NOT forbidden  by Him......EXCEPT outside of a marriage covenant between a man and woman!  There are NO exceptions!  The only people that God has sanction to have sexual intercourse is men and women who are married!   All else IS perversion.

I have personally experienced the devastation of having illicit sex outside of marriage since I began my personal walk with God in 1992, and let me tell you my Friend, without fail, it always left me empty and feeling shame  after that 'fleeting' physical pleasure was indulged.  

I have been walking with God since 1992.  I was filled with the Holy Spirit in my one bedroom apartment after being in an illicit sexual affair with a man I found out through a close friend of mine was also having sex with her cousin!  I was devastated!  I was tore up!  I was messed up!  I was 20 years old by the time I received this devastating revelation from my "411" girlfriend, you know the friend we all have at some point in our lives that knows 'everything' about 'everybody' and can't wait to tell it! 

I was 'consumed' with this man.  I was thinking about him morning, noon and night!  Have you ever been there my Friend?  It is torture!  I was 'soul tied' and I had nowhere else to turn at this time in my life and I knew it.  I was in trouble.

Within minutes after I hung the phone up with "411,"  I found myself in my one bedroom apartment on the floor crying out to God who up until this time I had never REALLY talked to Him, but this I knew, I did not want to be held captive to this man in my thoughts as I was.  I was in bondage, why?  
S E X!  Yes my Friend!  Sex is a very powerful exchange that cannot be underestimated, ever!  Especially when you want to love the person you are laying with.  It can destroy you!

Up until this time in my young life, I was never a promiscuous woman.  I always wanted to wait and have sex after I got married, even though I was not a follower of Jesus Christ until I was 20 years old.  I did value marriage a great deal.

This same day I cried out to God whom I could not see, and was not sure he could hear me or see me in the pain that I was feeling, but my dear Friend, I will tell you this, by the time I did pick myself up off that floor ..... honey chile!  Listen!  That man was somebody I "use" to know!    I can tell you this in short.  I never looked back!!!  I got my phone number change (no cell phones back then).  I cut ties with '411!'  And the Spirit of God has been teaching me, loving me, and helping me to go and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ since that day!   Whoooooo!   Glory to God Forevermore! 

Shortly after this awakening in my life to my now Heavenly Father and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I felt inspired by the Holy Spirit to purchase a Bible, get baptized and start studying the Scriptures.   My first Bible was a King James Version.  I was finding it very difficult to initially understand, but I kept at it, I would go from front to back and all over before the Holy Spirit brought alive for me one evening this scripture,  "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body, 1Corinthians 6:18."   It was as if God himself was sitting next to me as I became enlightened to this verse.....I  knew exactly what God was speaking to me....... No More Sex!  I had to Flee from it as a single woman to follow Him.

I began to understand why I was overtaken with the man God had recently set my 'SOUL' free from.....SEX!  It is nothing to play with my Friend outside of God's ordination for marriage.  Besides the destruction we can open up to your mind, will and emotions, we do risk sexually transmitted diseases....Big Time!

Since that time in 1992, I wish I could tell you as a follower of Jesus Christ I have not needed God's grace in this area of my life.  But I can't.  However, I can tell you when I needed His Love and grace the most, He did not forsake me.  I was devastated by my sin!  And you know what else my Friend, I discovered and I am convinced, the reason many of my Brother's and Sister's in Christ are indulging in illicit sex as I have regrettably done in my journey with Christ......... YOU WANT LOVE!  Yes my Friend,  many of us have come through broken homes, broken relationships, Rejection!  Betrayal!  Deception and the like.  Our souls ARE thirsty for love and acceptance.  We ALL want love!  Unfortunately for some of us, we are confusing sex with love, irregardless, it is FORBIDDEN by God outside of marriage.

There are those who brag about their sinful, sexual lives. There are those who could care less about hurting God by indulging their flesh with their  multiple lover's and "friends."  But to my Brother's and Sister's in Christ who have been overtaken in this area, and you are as I was, broken and desiring to walk worthy of your confession for Jesus Christ.  Pick yourself up!  Get up!  Look Up!  GET OUT OF THAT BED!!  You can do it!  You have to do it! 

By the grace and mercy of God, The same words God spoke to me..... "Flee Fornication," after He set me free from that man,  is the same words He has spoken to me when I fell in my journey since that time.  
Sex IS NOT LOVE!!   GOD IS LOVE my Friend! 

He gives us time to repent and get back into fellowship with Him. 
I am older, I am wiser.  I am so grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.  His conviction caused me to "FLEE" from my folly and understand why I had to Get Out That Bed......
H   E   L    L !

God loves us, BUT  He will NOT allow anyone
to TRAMPLE The Shed Blood of Jesus!

Friend, sexual sin is no different than gluttony!  Gluttony is the reason so many of us are dying in the prime of our lives.  Will God forgive the glutton?  Absolutely!  Will He forgive those who have fallen into sexual sin!  ABSOLUTELY!
(Be sure to read my Blog, "Why So Much Sickness and Disease.")
When I HAVE failed God,  I became 'spiritually' obese with guilt and shame.   I hated what I had done to myself and my relationship with God.   We that love Him MUST rely on the finished work of Jesus Christ as our Righteousness when we fall.  We are not going to Heaven because we have it all together, we are going because Jesus DOES!  Helleluja!  Real converts of Jesus Christ HATE their sin!  What we "hate" cannot "dominate" us!   No one can hate what God hates until  he or she 'sincerely' has an encounter with Him.  God HATES sin!

Listen very closely, there is a vast difference between 'falling' in dirt and 'rolling' in it! A righteous man falls seven times, and rises up again, but the wicked shall fall into mischief, Proverbs 24:16. Have you fallen into sin? Or are you "rolling" in it without conviction?

Sexual sin IS deadly!  Do not go back to living a lifestyle of sexual immorality ~ Do not go back!  Come On!  Receive God's LOVE for you!   Get Out that Bed!  Call upon the Name of the Lord, He will forgive you and restore your life and ministry....I Am A Witness!! 
His Grace is AMAZING!
Listen to this...

The Big Money Scam - Sowing & Reaping

Sow it, so you can grow it! Sow, sow, and sow! Bless, to be blessed, blessed, blessed! Multitudes are being deceived, fleeced and prostituted by cunning men and women that have adulterated, mutilated, and complicated the Word of God. They have turned its sacredness into a "system" for seekers of wealth in the name of Jesus Christ, presenting Him no more than a “magic genie” Christ that wants to give us the world, rather than save us from the world.  Jesus died to cancel our SIN debt, not our financial debt!  Materialism, prosperity and success are their messages and "YOUR MONEY" is their reward.  It is a game of chance!

Empty promises of prosperity IS their bait! All you have to do is “sow a seed for your need.”  Needs, seeds and lots of blessings ~ so they say! However, when we examine one of Jesus’ most profound teachings regarding being “blessed” there is no question that somebody is telling a lie, and we know it is NOT Jesus! These false teachers are thieves AND liars!   Yes!  That is what they are!  Give me five minutes to prove it!   Listen to this very carefully my Friend: 

Matthew 5:1-12 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Simply put, real blessings have nothing to do with money!   Brothers and Sisters in Christ, nowhere does Jesus tell us, “Blessed are those that ‘sow a seed’ for their need into their favorite preacher or ministry.”  Blessed are those that sacrificially 'sow' their bill and rent money into those that come in His name.” Saints of God, we are being hoodwinked! Tricked!  Lied too!  Fleeced!  Deceived! Let “NO ONE” continue to lie too you!   We should NOT give money to ‘GET’ blessed, but rather to ‘BE’ a blessing! Listen to this statement that Jesus also made to us, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Acts 20:35.

If you are giving your money to get “a harvest” you have been deceived! If you are ‘sowing seed’ (your hard earned money) for preachers to ‘reap’ wealth and prosperity, you have been deceived! Instead, work hard and master your skills and PAY YOUR BILLS! Do not believe the lie that ‘sowing’ your money is going to bring you financial rewards from God. This is a LIE! Humanism at its best fueled by greed.  Hey! We have to pay our debtors! We are the ones that charged those designer clothes we did NOT need! NOT Jesus!
I wonder what type of “gospel” these false teachers would have for a billionaire that already has the “things” they insist you can and should have in the Name of Jesus Christ?   It is likely a billionaire would not be able to find salvation or any "blessings" because he already knows the ‘god’ they are preaching about ~ mammon!  Money, Money, Money!! He already knows how to make his money grow.   He could write a book on it and make even more money!

Most of us would consider the billionaire “blessed,” but the billionaire would disagree. He is rich but he is not blessed! That is why he would be looking for the “real” Jesus Christ. Emptiness fills his heart. The fear of death overtakes his thoughts. He is empty inside, no peace, no joy or sense of real purpose, and he wants to know about Jesus, the “real” Jesus Christ of Nazareth, not this pseudo (which means fake) Christ that many are heralding in our nation that wants to take all of your pain away, pay your bills, cancel your debt and give you power over regions, Hmmmm? How could the billionaire find the real Jesus? He has no lack in the natural but the thing that he does have need of the most, they don't talk about, and that is Sin! This man would need his sins forgiven NOT a formula or principle on how to get a new pair of golf clubs!  

Many false teachers have become very rich while leaving a trail of poor, wounded and disillusioned Christians because of this false teaching on giving money to receive money from God.   It is a game of chance my Friend!  It is a Money Scam! A Serious Game of Chance!   Hey! Its like playing the lottery, sometimes you win! Sometimes you don't!   Simply put: These people are lying on God! They are Liar, Liars! And their ....

Pants shall be on Fire forever
if they don't Stop it!

False Teachers Favorite BIG Twist: Take a look at a scripture many of them have mutilated to justify their greed and lies on God’s. Matthew, Chapter 13 – please study, Jesus is speaking of the parable of the “Sower.” Look at verse 23, “….But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it; which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some an hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty.”
In this text the ‘seed’ Jesus is referring too is the Word of God!  The soil in which the seed has been sown speaks of the heart. The fruit/harvest that it brings forth hundred-fold, some sixty some thirty, is a changed life of obedience to the Word of God.  Preachers!  How in the world did some of us get ‘money’ out of this parable? The ‘seed’ that Jesus is speaking about IS the Word of God!   Not Money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ‘soil’ that Jesus is speaking about is the ‘heart’ not a minister who boasts of his material acquisitions to justify their ministry as being ‘good ground!’ The harvest that Jesus is speaking about is a changed life of obedience and love for God, NOT financial increase in ones life.  Come oooon!   Listen my Friend!  This is a very serious thing we are discussing! 
Saints of God, if we would ‘sow’ the Word of God the way many of us are trying to ‘sow’ our money, we would have less crime, addictions and depression in our nation!  The Word of God is alive! Jesus is letting us know in this parable that if ‘sown’ (taught, preached or proclaimed) to others, it has the power to bring forth a harvest of righteousness in the life of the heart that it is sown. Without a ‘sower,’ there can be NO harvest! As the Lord Jesus Christ said in this same chapter, “He that has an ear, let him hear!

Our Savior Jesus Christ was born in a feeding trough, a manger where animals were fed! Jesus was born in poverty! Now, can you imagine Jesus on the airwaves telling His “testimony” of how He overcame the emotional pain of being born in a manger by a woman that did not ‘know’ who His father (God) was? He would be the ideal one to say that He had an anointing to prosper and give us “principles” on how we could too if we would “sow a seed” into His ministry by logging onto His web-site, Church, listen, poverty is part of life. It is and will always be around just as Jesus told us, “You shall always have the poor among you,” Mark 14:7.  There are many factors concerning financial increase and blessings from God as He sees fit to release them into your life.  DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE!   Give as you purpose to give within your own heart.  Let No one continue to beguile you with enticing words of men's wisdom. 

Who should Jesus have "SOWN" his money seeds too, to get off that tree for you and me?  WHO??

Be wise my Friend! Be Wise! Knowing your sins are forgiven and you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt you are going to spend eternity with God after your earthy journey ~
 is PROSPERITY!  Real Blessings costs you nothing.  God wants your HEART, not your Money!  A broken and contrite heart before God, that He will never despise or turn away. You can expect a "harvest" of eternal life!  Halleluja!
Hey!  The next time you hear one of these eloquent speaker's lying on God, remember this song.......DON"T DO IT!

Make Sure You Read:
Armor Bearers Guarding Pastors?

The Big Lie About Prayer

Prayer is the MOST important and vital discipline for the Christian.  It is like the cream in your coffee and the glaze on your donut!  Prayer is EVERYTHING!  Why do so many struggle with this awesome priviledge that we have because of the finished work of Jesus Christ?  Why is it for many a dreaded chore and for others a very boring routine that they force themselves to do?  Why?  The Big Lie!!  You have to be in a "certain" posture to talk with God!

My dear Friend, I want you too listen to me VERY closely!  God is everywhere!!  Prayer is simply, T A L K I N G to God!  We do this by FAITH!  Just as you came to Jesus by faith asking Him to save you from your sins right?  Okay, you must understand the same about prayer!  God is everywhere!! 

There are those who are very emotional and dogmatic about telling others they need to get down on their knees to pray.  What about those who are without legs?   What would they do if this was true?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting down on your knees, sometimes you can't help but fall down on your knees without provocation, especially when you are really broken and feeling overwhelmed, BUT, it is NOT necessary!  I will say that again, it is NOT necessary!  You do not have to earn 'browny points' with God.  You can religiously go down on bended knee and your heart is still standing up!  Do you feel what I'm saying? 

Places, spaces,  and physical postures where you choose to talk too God is not important to Him, what is important that you TALK TO HIM!!   Do not allow anyone to put you in bondage!  Do not allow your FEELINGS to put you in bondage either!  Feelings CANNOT be trusted!  Oftentimes, you must strive to completely ignore them as emotion can trick you, especially when you are really in need for a blessing or miracle from God.

You can cry, scream, sneeze, sniffle and go on, and on!  Emotion does not move the heart of God....FAITH DOES!!
Don't get me wrong here, God does care and does hear us when we are heartbroken, overwhelmed and the like, BUT, we should never be foolish to think we can manipulate God with emotion!  Do you conjure up tears and 'deep' emotion when you talk to your friends, family and others every time you need help from them?  Then why would you attempt to do this with God?  God is aware of the many tests, and trials you are experiencing, some of which words probably cannot even begin to explain, but God oftentimes is allowing your faith to be tested and the question is not whether He hears you, but rather can you hear Him!!

God has many ways that He speaks to us and makes His will known in our situations, what we must come to believe and know is this, God DOES speak!  More often than not and we think it is "our" thoughts.  Can I prove it to you?  Who told you that Jesus was the Son of God?  It was God!!  Do you think you just came to this revealed truth all on your own "Thoughts?"  You may have heard the preacher's voice, but it was the Spirit of God that spoke to your heart and caused you to "know" the truth about Jesus.  Who told Noah to build an ark, though it had never rained upon the earth?  God!  That same God is still alive, well and speaking!  He is still giving us inspirational thoughts and instructions.  He is still listening to the cry of those who love them.

Some will light candles, make the room dark and quiet, sit for an hour before they say one word!  This is definitely not practical and who has the time?  I know I don't!!

So what is the secret to establishing, maintaining and sustaining your relationship with God?  Simple!  Just Talk too God!  Seek Him and you are going to find Him!  I am a witness!  God is SuperCaliFragilisticExpialaDocious!  Whooooa!  He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him in Spirit and in truth. 

True riches are not houses cars and land, but rather peace, joy and KNOWING your sins are forgiven by the Shed Blood of His ONLY begotton Son, Jesus Christ.  Are your sins forgiven today my Friend?  Do you KNOW for sure if you died today you will spend eternity with God?  Do you know for sure?God longs to have a personal relationship with you my Friend without all the 'fluff.'  His Love is absolutely unsearchable.  His grace and mercy is never exhausted for you...Talk to Him!  Especially if you have sinned against Him.  Don't Run Away From Hin!  Ask for forgiveness and receive His grace.  Think about Him in ALL things.  He will speak to your heart.  He will tell you what to do.  His Grace allows us to know Him, to Seek Him.
We are nothing without Him!
I don't know about you, but He takes my breath away!
Listen to this......

Also Read:

Why So Much Sickness & Disease

Anti-Depressant Drugs Forbidden!

Armor Bearers Guarding Pastors?

It is amazing to see the many pastors that are guarded like the President of the United States. They are unapprochable and unaccessible to their followers. The only time they are in their midst is when they are preaching at them and collecting their tithes and offerings.

Why do masses of confessing Christians follow this anti-Christ celebrity behavior?  Why are countless denominations exalting this 'armor bearer" position where most carry on like they are secret service, the police, or body guards of pastors and their wives?

The congregations are encouraged to call them 'armor bearers.' What is really going on here?? Who do these pastors think they are? I thought pastor's were suppose to be humble servants of God. Did Jesus have armor bearers?   No! So why are pastors acting like they are celebrities carrying on like this?  Hey!  Make sure you read my Blog, "False Doctrine of Spiritual Coverings."

I am reminded of a woman that told me after she became a follower of Jesus Christ, she was provoked to give away some monies she had earned before her conversion. She visited two churches on a Sunday morning. The first church she knew was not the church too donate nearly $10,000 in CASH! She went to the second church where she believed she was to give the pastor the money.

Immediately after the service, she went down to the front of the church to speak with the pastor. However, she was intercepted by one of the pastors “armor bearers” who refused to allow her to approach the pastor after she decided to give him the $10,000 in CASH to bless his church.  She did not understand why she was being treated like a criminal and the pastor like a celebrity or the President of the United States.  Needless to say, she kept her $10,000 in CASH and went home.  This so-called 'armor bearer' blocked the pastor from a blessing!

Where was our Lord and Saviors 'armor bearers' the day he went to the Cross to die for our sins? Where were they?????????? 

Where was Steven’s “armor bearers” when he was stoned for preaching the truth? (Story told Acts, Chapter 7) What about Paul the apostle who was beaten on three different occasions by the Roman’s whip and stoned, Acts 16:22, "....The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered themto be stripped and beaten." Where were his armor bearers? What are we doing Saints of God? This anti-Christ behavior is shrouded in pride and vainglory!!

This 'armor bearer' position is anti-Christ!! It is man made!! A tradition of men! It is Ministry Madness!! In many cases (not all) these "armor bearers' are people with low self-esteem that allow controlling and abusive leaders to treat them like slaves because they want to be recognized and ordained for ministry by them. They are 'spiritual brown noser's."  Make sure you read my Blog, "First Ladies in Christian Churches?"

I have personally witnessed the “at your service” type of running of these 'armor bearers' like they are slaves and the pastor is their master.  It is sickening to say the least! These same pastors and other traveling minister's who unashamedly abuse those who assist them would not raise a finger to carry their 'armor bearers' bible or get them a cup of water! These arrogant spiritual abuser's are usually very tempermental, rude and unapprochable.

In the Old Testament we find mention of armor bearers who were those that carried additional weapons for commanders in battle. They would finish killing wounded enemies by using swords and clubs to stab or beat them to death! This was a very grueling and vicious job! Now who would ‘really’ want to consider himself or herself an "armor bearer" in the Church of Jesus Christ, after He told us to "bless them who curse us, Luke 6:38" and to, "....Overcome evil with good Romans 12:21?"  DON'T KILL EM'! 

David was King Saul’s armor bearer at one time. However, now there is ONLY ONE King in the church of Jesus Christ, and He is He! Why are we making up positions that are not needed nor warranted in the New Testament church? We are setting up ‘spiritual’ gallows for our brothers and sisters to fall into the snare of pride and elitism when we exalt them before God's people.

Listen my Friend, the enemy we are ALL fighting is SIN!    Jesus has already TOTALLY and COMPLETLY destroyed, death, hell and the grave!   Whoooa! Jesus was the last "Armor Bearer" needed for the entire sins of the World!   He said while dying on the Cross, "It is Finished."   No more 'Armor Bearers' needed for His followers!   Preacher! Carry your own bible and get your own water!   If you are a real follower of Jesus, we are to "carry" on His message of repentance and reformation NOT water and bibles for ungrateful, big head, glory seeking pulpit predators, who will NOT do the same for you!

The church is NOT a hierarchy and pastors are NOT gods!!

We are to serve one another!! How dare anyone that is a real disciple of Jesus Christ exercise this ‘pseudo’ authority over another disciple of Christ? How dare some of us twist and use the scriptures to justify our need for control over others? Who has “really” sent you? 

Jesus said in Matthew 23: 11, “The greatest among you will be your servant (this would include apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers). For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”In other words, greatness in the Kingdom of God is expressed by serving, not being served! Great people are always serving others, always! We take after our Master, Jesus, who said, “the disciple is not above his master; but every one that is perfect shall be as his teacher, Luke 6:40” Jesus was not self-serving in the least. He was a servant par excellent! He is letting us know in this text, that whoever is your “master,” which in the Greek means; teacher or instructor, you shall be as they are.

The question that needs to be asked to American Christians is this, who is their pastor's master? Because those that are “real” disciples of Jesus Christ will not let you out serve them!

Jesus washed his disciple’s feet in John 13:11-17. Listen to what he told his disciples whom later became apostles (real ones). “You call me Master and Lord; and you say well for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, then you should do as I have done to you. Verily, Verily, I say unto you, The Servant is not greater than he that has sent him? Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, do you “HEAR” what Jesus said to us? We are ALL servants NOT celebrities! Not commanders! There is “ONLY ONE” Commander in charge. “ONLY ONE!” His Name is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, crucified for the sins of the world…. did you get that! Jesus is His Name…Wooooo! Glory to God forevermore!

The word master in the Greek meaning as Jesus spoke in the before mentioned text, is teacher or instructor. "Who has taught you what you know?" Or shall I ask this in our more popular cliché throughout many sects of Christendom, where did you receive your "impartation?" Who “birthed” you out?

Away with this monkey see, monkey do, pastor I want to be just like you mentality! Jesus is the Captain of the Host! He is the greatest leader that has ever lived and died for the sins of the World. What is your pastor willing to die for? His Rolex Watch? His or her name and reputation? The front row seats in their churches that are reserved for family, friends and their armor bearers? Maybe their snake skin shoes and $80,000 vehicles their armor bearers are washing and shining for them every week?

If some of us would serve our spouses and children the way we are sucking up and 'serving' some of these pastors, we would not have divorces and backslidden angry children as we do in the Church of America!

REAL pastors ARE servants!!
Nothing more and nothing less!
We have made them gods in America!
They are NOT!!!

Some of you will be offended with this article and you will try and defend this 'psuedo position' of armor bearer and the arrogance of these 'pastors.' Why don't you DEFEND The Cross of Jesus Christ? Why insist on lifting up mortal men that Do Not have any power or authority to forgive sin!!
Jesus is The Only One!
There is Nobody Greater - NOBODY!