The Big Money Scam - Sowing & Reaping

Sow it, so you can grow it! Sow, sow, and sow! Bless, to be blessed, blessed, blessed! Multitudes are being deceived, fleeced and prostituted by cunning men and women that have adulterated, mutilated, and complicated the Word of God. They have turned its sacredness into a "system" for seekers of wealth in the name of Jesus Christ, presenting Him no more than a “magic genie” Christ that wants to give us the world, rather than save us from the world.  Jesus died to cancel our SIN debt, not our financial debt!  Materialism, prosperity and success are their messages and "YOUR MONEY" is their reward.  It is a game of chance!

Empty promises of prosperity IS their bait! All you have to do is “sow a seed for your need.”  Needs, seeds and lots of blessings ~ so they say! However, when we examine one of Jesus’ most profound teachings regarding being “blessed” there is no question that somebody is telling a lie, and we know it is NOT Jesus! These false teachers are thieves AND liars!   Yes!  That is what they are!  Give me five minutes to prove it!   Listen to this very carefully my Friend: 

Matthew 5:1-12 Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Simply put, real blessings have nothing to do with money!   Brothers and Sisters in Christ, nowhere does Jesus tell us, “Blessed are those that ‘sow a seed’ for their need into their favorite preacher or ministry.”  Blessed are those that sacrificially 'sow' their bill and rent money into those that come in His name.” Saints of God, we are being hoodwinked! Tricked!  Lied too!  Fleeced!  Deceived! Let “NO ONE” continue to lie too you!   We should NOT give money to ‘GET’ blessed, but rather to ‘BE’ a blessing! Listen to this statement that Jesus also made to us, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Acts 20:35.

If you are giving your money to get “a harvest” you have been deceived! If you are ‘sowing seed’ (your hard earned money) for preachers to ‘reap’ wealth and prosperity, you have been deceived! Instead, work hard and master your skills and PAY YOUR BILLS! Do not believe the lie that ‘sowing’ your money is going to bring you financial rewards from God. This is a LIE! Humanism at its best fueled by greed.  Hey! We have to pay our debtors! We are the ones that charged those designer clothes we did NOT need! NOT Jesus!
I wonder what type of “gospel” these false teachers would have for a billionaire that already has the “things” they insist you can and should have in the Name of Jesus Christ?   It is likely a billionaire would not be able to find salvation or any "blessings" because he already knows the ‘god’ they are preaching about ~ mammon!  Money, Money, Money!! He already knows how to make his money grow.   He could write a book on it and make even more money!

Most of us would consider the billionaire “blessed,” but the billionaire would disagree. He is rich but he is not blessed! That is why he would be looking for the “real” Jesus Christ. Emptiness fills his heart. The fear of death overtakes his thoughts. He is empty inside, no peace, no joy or sense of real purpose, and he wants to know about Jesus, the “real” Jesus Christ of Nazareth, not this pseudo (which means fake) Christ that many are heralding in our nation that wants to take all of your pain away, pay your bills, cancel your debt and give you power over regions, Hmmmm? How could the billionaire find the real Jesus? He has no lack in the natural but the thing that he does have need of the most, they don't talk about, and that is Sin! This man would need his sins forgiven NOT a formula or principle on how to get a new pair of golf clubs!  

Many false teachers have become very rich while leaving a trail of poor, wounded and disillusioned Christians because of this false teaching on giving money to receive money from God.   It is a game of chance my Friend!  It is a Money Scam! A Serious Game of Chance!   Hey! Its like playing the lottery, sometimes you win! Sometimes you don't!   Simply put: These people are lying on God! They are Liar, Liars! And their ....

Pants shall be on Fire forever
if they don't Stop it!

False Teachers Favorite BIG Twist: Take a look at a scripture many of them have mutilated to justify their greed and lies on God’s. Matthew, Chapter 13 – please study, Jesus is speaking of the parable of the “Sower.” Look at verse 23, “….But he that received seed into the good ground is he that hears the word, and understands it; which also bears fruit, and brings forth, some an hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty.”
In this text the ‘seed’ Jesus is referring too is the Word of God!  The soil in which the seed has been sown speaks of the heart. The fruit/harvest that it brings forth hundred-fold, some sixty some thirty, is a changed life of obedience to the Word of God.  Preachers!  How in the world did some of us get ‘money’ out of this parable? The ‘seed’ that Jesus is speaking about IS the Word of God!   Not Money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ‘soil’ that Jesus is speaking about is the ‘heart’ not a minister who boasts of his material acquisitions to justify their ministry as being ‘good ground!’ The harvest that Jesus is speaking about is a changed life of obedience and love for God, NOT financial increase in ones life.  Come oooon!   Listen my Friend!  This is a very serious thing we are discussing! 
Saints of God, if we would ‘sow’ the Word of God the way many of us are trying to ‘sow’ our money, we would have less crime, addictions and depression in our nation!  The Word of God is alive! Jesus is letting us know in this parable that if ‘sown’ (taught, preached or proclaimed) to others, it has the power to bring forth a harvest of righteousness in the life of the heart that it is sown. Without a ‘sower,’ there can be NO harvest! As the Lord Jesus Christ said in this same chapter, “He that has an ear, let him hear!

Our Savior Jesus Christ was born in a feeding trough, a manger where animals were fed! Jesus was born in poverty! Now, can you imagine Jesus on the airwaves telling His “testimony” of how He overcame the emotional pain of being born in a manger by a woman that did not ‘know’ who His father (God) was? He would be the ideal one to say that He had an anointing to prosper and give us “principles” on how we could too if we would “sow a seed” into His ministry by logging onto His web-site, Church, listen, poverty is part of life. It is and will always be around just as Jesus told us, “You shall always have the poor among you,” Mark 14:7.  There are many factors concerning financial increase and blessings from God as He sees fit to release them into your life.  DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE!   Give as you purpose to give within your own heart.  Let No one continue to beguile you with enticing words of men's wisdom. 

Who should Jesus have "SOWN" his money seeds too, to get off that tree for you and me?  WHO??

Be wise my Friend! Be Wise! Knowing your sins are forgiven and you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt you are going to spend eternity with God after your earthy journey ~
 is PROSPERITY!  Real Blessings costs you nothing.  God wants your HEART, not your Money!  A broken and contrite heart before God, that He will never despise or turn away. You can expect a "harvest" of eternal life!  Halleluja!
Hey!  The next time you hear one of these eloquent speaker's lying on God, remember this song.......DON"T DO IT!

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