False Doctrine of Spiritual Coverings

How Soon We Forget!
November 18, 1978 
Rev. Jim Jones
The doctrine of ‘Spiritual Covering’ has taken the Nation by storm in countless mainline denominations.   It fuels the ego of some that dogmatically herald this false doctrine as it benefits them if you are seduced into believing that you need them, rather than the counsel and direction of God in your life via the Holy Spirit. 

This false teaching promotes that every believer should be “under” the authority (covering) of a leader, pastor or group. You must be “accountable” to them.  However, this logical and philosophical teaching is NOT a commandment of God.  

I am mindful as I submit the following there are those that do implement this doctrine in their churches and affiliations who are sincere and without guile in their doing so.  However, this is a very subtle, divisive and controlling doctrine in many aspects that needs to be rooted out!  

A pastor or spiritual leader should never command anyone to come to them for  permission or a “blessing” before you decide to do anything in your life!  This is cultic behavior.    It is anti-Christ! 

During my career as a professional hair stylist, I recall a young lady who came to the hair salon I worked at for the first time. I gave her a consultation. She decided she wanted a ‘new’ look. I shared all of her options which all pointed to her needing a haircut. She decided to make another appointment because she needed to ask her pastor first if it would be Okay.  I thought to myself, "WHAT!"  I could not believe it!  I still can’t believe it."    Preachers!  How can you ‘ever’ justify this type of control in the name of accountability? How?  Who do some of you think you are? 
Can you change ONE spot on a leopard?
Can you design one pedal of a Lily of the field?
There is none righteous, NO, not one!
We are ALL fallible!

This doctrine produces a pseudo authority and false sense of importance on the part of those that claim to be others coverings while producing an ungodly dependence and false sense of security in those that do submit to mortal men. GOD FORBIDS IT!  If the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives cannot prevent us from sinning or being deceived by false teachings and evil men, what in the world would cause us to think being an associate of another human being can? 

I will never forget the day while watching television as a young child, the program we were watching was interrupted with breaking news of a pastor named Rev. Jim Jones who made history in America after he beguiled nearly 1,000 of his followers to move from the United States to Jonestown, Guyana in South America. It was there he seduced them to commit mass suicide by drinking poison after being exposed by some of his former follower's who were escaping from "under" his control. The news cameras displayed the many dead bodies that were "his" followers.  He was their “spiritual authority.” He was there “COVERING.”

Where there is a ‘pseudo’ authority taken upon oneself as “the authority” over others, there will always be the potential for corruption that can and will destroy lives mentally, spiritually, and financially. And in some very sad instances, eternally! Let us not forget David Koresh in Waco, Texas;  Marshall Applewhite of ‘Heavens Gate’ in California, both who became notorious for the murder of those who followed them in the "name" of God.  I have studied the life of each of these men and chronicled their lives up unto the point that they made headline news. There was one thing common amongst each of them, ‘submission theology!’ Also known as 'spiritual covering' and 'accountability' theology.   Church, let us pause and think on these things!

In the inception of this doctrine of ‘spiritual covering’ or “accountability,” it was not meant to hurt the church, but rather to help bring safety and accountability to the Body of Christ after several ‘popular’ ministers fell in the 70’s.  However, good ideas are NOT always God ideas.

This FALSE DOCTRINE is a commandment of men that brings an unwarranted fear upon the hearts and minds of those who may leave their “coverings” churches.  They are plagued with thoughts they are under a curse and any negative circumstances in their lives is a result of them not having a “spiritual covering,”  this is what their leaders will tell their followers.  Talk about witchcraft! My God Help us all!

Listen to this text where Paul, the apostle warns us in Colossians 2:8-9, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” In other words, there are some things that sound logical and philosophical for us to do, but they have not emanated from the mind of Christ. They are humanistic teachings of men that many will judge others that do not want to obey them. We are outcast and labeled rebels because we refuse to conform to man-made teaching that are harmful to your spiritual health.  However, being a rebel is a good thing when we consider that Jesus was a rebel too, and so were His disciples!  They literary turned the world upside-down! Why? They refused to conform!  Christ was their light. He was their teacher, master and Lord.   Is He yours?  Or is it your pastor, bishop or in many cases, some crazy man or woman calling themselves an 'apostle.'   Watch out for the ones that INSIST you call them "apostle."  They are especially spiritually ill.  Make sure you read my blog on "Apostles Gone MAD!  Real apostles are missionaries!!  Their "mission" is to go into regions, and nations that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not been preached. 

OOPS!  I apologize for that little Bunny Trail!  But Friend, I don't know about you,  but I have had enough of the plethora of insecure men and women trying to take over Jesus' Church in the 'name' of spiritual authority, psuedo authority that is.

Make no mistake about it; there is safety in wise counsel, but who said it has to come from a pastor or the clergy at our churches?  Especially arrogant, self appointed, money and power hungry pulpit predators. “Where no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety, Proverbs 11:14.” Some of us have grandparents that are very wise people that do know and love God and his only begotten Son. Some of us have parents that are very wise and are able to give us wise counsel as needed as well.

There are those that will hook up with others who are “popular” just because they are popular while disregarding their arrogance, rudeness and neglect because in their hearts they think their spiritual abuser's can and will bring promotion in their lives. As long as they are able to tell others that ‘so and so’ is their covering they feel good about it. They tolerate the abuse and neglect while privately suffering from depression and many other types of emotional torments because the Spirit of God has been grieved by their unwarranted allegiance and trust in man. They have replaced the Holy Spirit who has been assigned to be their comforter, counselor, teacher and guide as they insist on bowing their hearts to earthly kings just as the children of Israel did, who wanted an earthly king when they already had one! Does this describe your life my friend?

Are you seeking earthly connections rather than divine connections?  Is the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ "COVERING" you?  Is your Name written in the Lambs Book of Life, or only on the membership role of your 'COVERING'S' bank statements? 
Do you really think most pastors who are dogmatic about this doctrine are REALLY concerned about you when they ask, "Who is your covering?"  NO they are NOT!   What they REALLY want to know is... who is "COVERING" your money!  The "Do you have a church home" question is never accompanied by the most important question....are you living right?  Are you sure you are born again by the Spirit of God?  Do you know that you know you are destined to spend eternity with God?

There will be those of you who will be offended by these thoughts I have been inspired to write in this article by the Spirit of God.  If you are, I encourage you to  defend Jesus!  Become DOGMATIC about His Death, Burial and Resurrection rather than a mere mortal who has NO power to forgive your sins and give your eternal life!
Is Jesus shed Blood
Your Sins??
Do you really know Jesus or have mortal men indoctrinated you? Are you drowning in religion or do you REALLY have an intimate relationship with God for yourself?  
Who REALLY is YOUR "covering?"



  1. Hi I like the sight agree a lot, this is serious state were in and the people appear to be going in circles , more so is this the deep truths of what all these traditions have come from..

    The changes made t othe Bible the kjv kept the false hood terms used by the Rome and anagleican functions for power over the people? Was also recently discussed, sad to see this and nothing done to get the old sea hag name out circe, church, which has no apparent place in the text. I say that in love ,I relaly do not think Jesus meant o use her name as replacement for his love.
    I guess one has to ask why 400 years it was all obvious...elders in their true sense of operations, not going back the Ot COV priesthood, again??

    if you get chance read fairbairn 1910 addition on theology etc it;s all there he dedicates as language expert that much of the stuff added never had any real place in the the Nt. ,the body is bound in love not legalism,
    thanks honest discussions.

  2. Loved this. I have been hearing this phrase "covering" in terms of church and pastors for a while now and it's just not hitting a right note with me. I do not want to disobey the LORD so it's important to research, find Biblical support to find out if something is incorrect. I appreciate what you wrote. It confirms much of what I was thinking. There seems to be so much adoration of self and fear of man. If people have to demand their "spiritual authority" over a person, or insist that you need to be "discipled" something is wrong. I have been drawn to certain people in my life because of their humility, wisdom and they demand none of it. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for this fine and candid treatment of this subject. I am an ordained Pastor of 44 year of ministry in Pentecost and I entirely agree with you. Recently a fellow pastor friend of mine enquired when I told him I was going on a ministry trip, " Who is you covering?" I certainly have a covering. It is the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also have a counselor. He is the blessed Holy Spirit. Do I need anything more? No! I have travelled the world preaching and teaching the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and He has always kept me safely. Praise be to God Almighty.. Dr. Paul Clamp.

  4. I am blessed and encouraged by your article. May the Lord be Highly praised!! DKC

  5. I happened upon this article doing a search for something else. As I read the article I became reminded that we are living in a modern era of a greater, and worse epidemic than the few chronicled "cult" leaders afore mentioned above. Certainly you have no argument from me as to the level of deception, and reproach they have all brought upon the church. However, there has arisen a "move of radical independence" across this country, regarding authority within the structure of the church. Its not a modern concept rooted in ideological deception, it is biblical at its core. Hebrews 17:17 is clear that we are to "Obey" GK -peitho - convince or pacify those that have rule over us GK - hegeomai - meaning those who lead. Furthermore we are tole to submit to them GK - hupeiko- meaning to yield or surrender. Jesus himself commended the faith of a Roman Centurion who was not even a believer, based upon His understanding of how authority works. He cited his understanding of authority as an act of tremendous faith. Matthew 8:9 The issue is that MEN have used these principals thought to further their controlling agenda. However that doesn't make the concept bad, it only reveals the misuse of a Godly principal. Giving financially of tithes and offerings is a biblical concept, are we going to stop giving because of the extremes of some "prosperity preachers". God forbid we do stop, then we are responsible! Paul in ! Corinthians 4:15 says "For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ GK - paidagogos- meaning a boy leader (Immature leaders) , yet have ye not many fathers: The real issue is that we have "Boy leaders" not mature fathers who impart like Paul did with Timothy. Jesus said in Matthew 7 to beware of False prophets - GK- pseudoprophetes- meaning spurious (fatherless, bastard) imposter. Anyone who is not under a spiritual father is an imposter, and ministering illegally. So you may ask me, do I have a covering? Absolutely! Even Jesus had to baptized and sent by a man, John the Baptist! If I am not under authority then I possess none! I pray my words are taken with the same level of grace my heart desires to communicate them in. I believe it would do you well to dig into the SCRIPTURAL foundation for "covering", and to not only cite the reverted and extreme measures men have taken to destroy Gods people. Blessings!
