Apostles Gone Mad!!

The office of an “apostle” has become the focus of many men and women who "claim" they are 'apostles.' I have met several personally and find it amazing without fail, they become visibly shaken if you call them by their first or last names. They insist on being recognized as 'apostles' as they manifest rude, arrogant and self righteous dispositions.  Some even refer to themselves as "Chief Apostle" ....What is That?  OooH, OOoH!   I know......  P R I D E!

The word ‘apostle’ sounds important in our English speaking culture; this is why many like to use it.  But the fact of the matter is that the meaning is quite simple in the Greek, it simply means “messenger” or “sent one.”
I was recently solicited by one of these false apostles who was trying to recruit me under "his covering." (Please see BLOG titled False Doctrine of Spiritual Coverings) This man emailed me a contract where I was to sign and commit to submitting to him and giving him 10% of my ministry finance .... Hmmmm - NO COMMENT!   He constantly spoke about how many churches and ministers were 'under him.'   He was on a serious recruiting spree! 

This man was a legend in his own mind, deceived by the false teaching that apostles are in charge of all other ministry gifts based on the following "proof text" they twist and use to justify their lust for power and control of others.  However, most of the women and men that wear this 'apostle title' and demand you to call them "apostle" are as the Scriptures reveal, they're clouds without rain, Proverbs 25:14. 

Clouds are dark and their presence blocks the sunlight!  Jesus is the "Son Light" of the World.  Is your spiritual leader blocking His 'rays' from shining bright in your life as he or she demands honor and homage?  

Listen to what Paul says in 1Corinthians 12:27-31, “Now you are the Body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it. And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers?”   This is a very clearly stated text.  Here is the error they have made with it.   Does Paul, by first stating that “God has appointed first of all apostles” leave us to believe church leadership is a hierarchy that is under the “authority” of apostles?  Absolutely NOT!

This text simply lets us know and understand how the early church was set up and established.  Remember, the word apostle in its New Testament, Greek meaning is messenger or sent one.  In order for a fellowship or church to be established, you needed a “messenger” or “sent one” to go first. Why? They were anointed and commissioned by Jesus Christ to do so.  How could the people hear except for a preacher that had been delegated authority, not only to preach Christ, but also to install elders, other leaders and teachers in the churches they pioneered and brought the message of the Cross? These foundational apostles/messengers were instrumental in laying the historical foundation of the early church where Jesus Christ had never been preached, proclaimed or taught His purpose to die for the sins of the World.

We can boast of a ministry office, but it is what we have to offer that determines what is really on the inside of us. Real apostles are messengers to regions that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, AND,  they are like Rolls Royce....they do not advertise! They are humble men and women who have given up everything, just like Paul the REAL apostle did for Christ,   unlike most of our modern day 'apostles' who are entangled in all manner of earthly pursuits while boasting of their "apostolic anointing."

In the natural, the brain is in charge of all functions in the body ~ ALL of them! Any cell that tries to take over another has the potential to destroy other cells by its “dominate” intentions, and so it is in the Body of Christ. No apostle or messenger has the right to dominate any other gift in the Body of Christ unless you have been deceived into thinking you are something you are not. The Head of the Church is Jesus! He is the Head of His Body. All else are imposter's!! They are CANCEROUS and hazardous to your spiritual health. Get away from them!   Run for your life!!

To believe that any ministry office is ‘greater’ than another is erroneous and potentially dangerous for the one that believes he or she is “greater” or has more “authority.” There is no hierarchy in the Body of Jesus Christ! The church is NOT an ‘organization’ but rather a living organism! We are the Body of Christ! 

The ministry gifts or offices, are given by Jesus.  Paul did not list them in order for us to presume they are listed in order of “seniority” or “authority," but rather to show the need for each ‘function’ of these gifts within the Body of Christ.  These ministry gifts were needed in the infancy of the early church  after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ who is LORD of ALL.  He is the Boss who died on The Cross, NOT mortal men and women trying to usurp His authority and power over HIS people. 

We need our mouth first to bite and break down the foods that we eat; however, without the stomach and the intestines, we would not be able to simulate and metabolize it. Is the mouth greater than the stomach and the intestines? Do we not need them all? 
Ephesians 4:11, tells us that Jesus, “gave gifts unto man; apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers.”

There is no question that the apostles (messengers) of the Lamb of God were ‘authentic.’ They walked and talked with Jesus in the flesh. They were the Twelve Apostles. However, the problem with our contemporary church and those that question the validity of the office of the apostle (messenger, sent one or missionary) that is listed in Ephesians 4, is that many self-proclaiming apostles, teach that they are in charge of the other ministry gifts; prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. They insist that since they are listed first, they are the delegated authority over the leadership of the church. This is an erroneous assumption. It is a very dangerous assumption.  Before there was ever delegated authority to messengers/sent ones/apostles, God always used prophets!  Always!  Seems to me if anyone should boast about having hiarchial authority, it would be a prophet!

However, when we study the life of Paul, the REAL apostle (messenger) of Christ, we find that Paul’s life was ‘marked’ by much travel.  He was a missionary! He was on the move into foreign regions that did not have the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He would start churches and turn them over to mature leaders that were set into place to lead the people. It is very interesting that some who boast of being “apostles” have been running the same church for years, and years, and years! How can one be a ‘sent one’ and remain in the same region? The same church, with the same elders, deacons and members for years! Come on! I smell a rat!  Some of these wanna b's have never, not once even traveled outside of the United States even for a vacation!  Friend, this is ministry madness we are talking about here!  Madness! 

Paul wrote thirteen epistles (letters), he did not call himself Apostle Paul in one of them. He was Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle ~ that’s with a small ‘a.’ In one of his salutations he refers to himself as a bond slave. Some of us would never say that we are slaves for Christ, let alone, a free one! But how many people has God really healed with your hands APOSTLE?  How many riots have you provoked because you really cast a devil out?   Paul the bond slave could boast here!  He was a humble man. He gave up everything!  He consider all things 'dung'!   HE WAS A REAL APOSTLE!

Come on my Brothers and Sisters in Christ! What is really going on here? Who has REALLY sent you?  Do you know who you are following my Brother or Sister reading this article?  Do you know what spirit is REALLY working inside your leader?

Real apostles (messengers or sent ones) ARE missionaries! They are travelers.  They ARE SENT!  They preach Christ and Him crucified!  Hey, most of the so called 'apostles'  I have bumped into will talk about everything but the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ!  They are constantly talking about their power, and the 'apostolic anointing' on their lives.  How is this possible?  They are not REAL apostles!  They are imposter's!  Wanna B's!  Glory seeker's thirsty for power and control.  Especially the ones who call themselves "Apostle,"  but the last time I checked, Paul did not!  Neither did Jesus boast of being the Messiah, and Elisha the prophet of God was walking in such humility, the Shunamite woman had to "perceive" that he was a Man of God!  I tell ya!  I smell a rat!!!  Don't you?  Paul, Jesus and Elisha all had one thing else in common, they performed REAL miracles.  What do our 21st Century boasting "apostles" have to their credit besides a plethora of fearful, ''yes men and women" that have submitted to their madness?

Time to stop this madness!  Doesn't matter who we say we are, what matters is who has REALLY sent you! This 'apostolic' movement is fueled by insecure, thirsty men and women who want power! 
Hey! Get Over It!!
Jesus is the ONLY one with ALL power and dominion!
"HIS" Blood Still Cleanses Sin!
Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
There is NOBODY Greater!  NOBODY!

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1 comment:

  1. The church i was formerly a member of allowed a guy who called himself an apostle to come into the church every sun disrupt the services, claiming he is getting a message from God.Five years he was allowed to terrorize this church.Now God pulled the covers off him, I can say his name because now its public information google( pastor bobby smith sex scandal) and you will see and hear everything .
