The Big Lie About Prayer

Prayer is the MOST important and vital discipline for the Christian.  It is like the cream in your coffee and the glaze on your donut!  Prayer is EVERYTHING!  Why do so many struggle with this awesome priviledge that we have because of the finished work of Jesus Christ?  Why is it for many a dreaded chore and for others a very boring routine that they force themselves to do?  Why?  The Big Lie!!  You have to be in a "certain" posture to talk with God!

My dear Friend, I want you too listen to me VERY closely!  God is everywhere!!  Prayer is simply, T A L K I N G to God!  We do this by FAITH!  Just as you came to Jesus by faith asking Him to save you from your sins right?  Okay, you must understand the same about prayer!  God is everywhere!! 

There are those who are very emotional and dogmatic about telling others they need to get down on their knees to pray.  What about those who are without legs?   What would they do if this was true?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting down on your knees, sometimes you can't help but fall down on your knees without provocation, especially when you are really broken and feeling overwhelmed, BUT, it is NOT necessary!  I will say that again, it is NOT necessary!  You do not have to earn 'browny points' with God.  You can religiously go down on bended knee and your heart is still standing up!  Do you feel what I'm saying? 

Places, spaces,  and physical postures where you choose to talk too God is not important to Him, what is important that you TALK TO HIM!!   Do not allow anyone to put you in bondage!  Do not allow your FEELINGS to put you in bondage either!  Feelings CANNOT be trusted!  Oftentimes, you must strive to completely ignore them as emotion can trick you, especially when you are really in need for a blessing or miracle from God.

You can cry, scream, sneeze, sniffle and go on, and on!  Emotion does not move the heart of God....FAITH DOES!!
Don't get me wrong here, God does care and does hear us when we are heartbroken, overwhelmed and the like, BUT, we should never be foolish to think we can manipulate God with emotion!  Do you conjure up tears and 'deep' emotion when you talk to your friends, family and others every time you need help from them?  Then why would you attempt to do this with God?  God is aware of the many tests, and trials you are experiencing, some of which words probably cannot even begin to explain, but God oftentimes is allowing your faith to be tested and the question is not whether He hears you, but rather can you hear Him!!

God has many ways that He speaks to us and makes His will known in our situations, what we must come to believe and know is this, God DOES speak!  More often than not and we think it is "our" thoughts.  Can I prove it to you?  Who told you that Jesus was the Son of God?  It was God!!  Do you think you just came to this revealed truth all on your own "Thoughts?"  You may have heard the preacher's voice, but it was the Spirit of God that spoke to your heart and caused you to "know" the truth about Jesus.  Who told Noah to build an ark, though it had never rained upon the earth?  God!  That same God is still alive, well and speaking!  He is still giving us inspirational thoughts and instructions.  He is still listening to the cry of those who love them.

Some will light candles, make the room dark and quiet, sit for an hour before they say one word!  This is definitely not practical and who has the time?  I know I don't!!

So what is the secret to establishing, maintaining and sustaining your relationship with God?  Simple!  Just Talk too God!  Seek Him and you are going to find Him!  I am a witness!  God is SuperCaliFragilisticExpialaDocious!  Whooooa!  He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him in Spirit and in truth. 

True riches are not houses cars and land, but rather peace, joy and KNOWING your sins are forgiven by the Shed Blood of His ONLY begotton Son, Jesus Christ.  Are your sins forgiven today my Friend?  Do you KNOW for sure if you died today you will spend eternity with God?  Do you know for sure?God longs to have a personal relationship with you my Friend without all the 'fluff.'  His Love is absolutely unsearchable.  His grace and mercy is never exhausted for you...Talk to Him!  Especially if you have sinned against Him.  Don't Run Away From Hin!  Ask for forgiveness and receive His grace.  Think about Him in ALL things.  He will speak to your heart.  He will tell you what to do.  His Grace allows us to know Him, to Seek Him.
We are nothing without Him!
I don't know about you, but He takes my breath away!
Listen to this......

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