Celebrity or Servant?

Collars, Robes and Gold Chains?
I recall seeing a so called “bishop” in the parking lot of a local grocery store. I had already gotten into my car when he pulled up. I did not notice him "until" he got out of his vehicle dressed in his “bishop” attire with a beanie on his head. I was in shock! I thought to myself, "What in the world is he doing?" THE GROCERY STORE???????????  Halloween was many months away. This man was obviously having some “very serious” emotional issues as I watched from my car while he strolled through the parking lot. Everyone was looking at him. You could not help but notice this man in his long, black, flowing robe, with “hot pink” trim and matching beanie, with a big ‘gold’ cross around his neck at the grocery store? Come on!  What is “really” going on here?

Preachers, when you go to the barber shop, grocery store or wherever you  may go, do you introduce yourself as "The Most Reverend, Dr. Bishop.”  If the answer is yes, you are deceived. You likely have a self-esteem problem that only God can fix. You are ego-tripping!   You are EdgingGodOut by drawing attention to yourself.   Do we not realize that this type of behavior is a gateway to pride, arrogance and self-worship? Do we not realize the spirit of elitism and self-importance that many of our brethren have on them is a “stench” in the nostrils of God?  He hates pride and vainglory!  And yet, many aspire to be just like the ones that they see exalt themselves in this manner.

Young Ministers!  Don't Do It!!  Jesus is our example.  He condemned vainglory!! 

Unfortunately, many of us do not know who we are in Christ. We carry on like we are so prestigious and pious just like this man, while demanding acknowledgement from everyone that we come in contact with because we have deficits in the chambers of our own souls. We become corrupted by the call of God. Instead of becoming a servant, we are deceived into believing that we are “celebrities” to be served and revered because of our call. This is deception!  This is anti-Christ! It is a “anti-servant” spirit!  A prideful, evil, celebrity spirit that must be guarded against and rooted out if you want to spend eternity with God, God hates pride.

Some will suggest that when they put on their garments, they "feel" the anointing.....Hmmm?  These are 'psuedo' feelings my friend.  The anointing of the Holy Spirit comes from within.  No man-made garments from without is necessary. 

Listen to what Jesus tells us in Matthew 23:11, “The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Saints of God, how can we ‘serve’ anyone that we believe deep in our hearts, we are better than them?  Some of us believe because of “the call” of God and the things that we know and have acquired, that we are superior to our brethren.   Are we not all sheep of His pasture?   Is not Jesus the Head of the Body?   

How did Jesus conduct Himself? Can you imagine Him going to the Synagogue draped in some of the attire that some of us are wearing in the name of “clergy” attire?  As an “illustrator,” I am careful to speak. I use costumes and visual aids whenever I am teaching the Word of God. However, I use them for teaching purposes only!

Why are some of us spending thousands of dollars on customized “priestly” garments? Clerics. Why? What is the real reason behind all of the ceremonial parading of flesh in the House of God? It is obvious that Jesus condemned those in His day that “liked to walk around in flowing robes and loved to be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.”   Why are we doing this?

The answer is clear, some  of us in ministry are very Insecure.  These men and women that do this are hurting themselves and others as they misrepresent Jesus and our forefathers in the Gospel who would rebuke them for carrying on like this.  Putting on airs and false images of ‘pseudo’ authority and piety is sin!  They twist the  scriptures and use Old Testament rituals that are no longer necessary for this dispensation of grace to justify this anti-Christ behavior.  God help us all!!  If Jesus did not  do this, Brother and Sister in Christ, why are we doing this??

I have heard some say they "feel" the anointing when they wear this attire.  If that is the case, you need to get saved and "filled" with the Holy Ghost my Friend.  No man made garments needed when you have Him resident "in you."   Away with this tradition of men!  People are hurting and addicted, they don't care about our robes and collars!  Do you have a Word from God?  
This tradition is tired and played out like a 8 Track tape!  It is 'dated' and nobody cares what you wear, they care that you care!  Can you, will you help a Brother or Sister out?
Can you reeeeally imagine Jesus wearing  the expensive “priestly” attire that some of us insist on wearing while He was in the Garden of Gethsemane having His final prayer meeting with His disciples? The scriptures tell us this about Jesus in Luke 22:44, “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Sweat! Drops of blood! How can any of us say that we could really engage ourselves in prayer this intense with a $3,000 custom-made robe or suit on, with jewelry valued at over $20,000 on our wrist and fingers? Come on brothers and sisters in Christ, some of us must admit; we have some serious self esteem issues!

The sad truth is that many of us need material things to draw our self worth. This is precisely the reason multitudes in the church are immersed in materialism and debt. They are looking at those of us that should be free from the things of this world, but rather we are the very ones that are advocates of materialism as we carelessly showcase, and on many occasions, brag about our earthly possessions.

There are those that like to use the ceremony and the rituals that were commanded and used by the priest in the Old Testament to justify their obvious need to be “set apart” and recognized. However, we must understand one very important difference between then and now ~ Jesus!  He is the High Priest. He is the one that has sent us. Therefore we must strive to be like Him!  Jesus was not a ceremonialist, nor was He a materialistic showboat that you would notice in a crowd because of His $3,000 custom made robe.

I have sat in meetings where I was totally distracted by the “huge” diamond and gold rings on some of these types of ministers’ fingers. They would constantly use other fingers to keep the ring positioned ‘right’ to make sure that we saw its rays while they were “ministering.” How tacky! How unbecoming for any “servant” of Jesus to have this obvious awareness of 'self' while handling the Bread of Life.?

The Spirit of Christ is challenging each of us to examine ourselves. Why are we wearing the things that we wear - when Jesus himself condemns this type of grand standing in the above scripture amongst the most intellectual and pious group of people in his day, the religious leaders.  Brothers and sisters in Christ, we must look at this behavior that has become very pervasive in our nation.  It is anti-Christ!  Jesus is our model. He is our Master, which in the Greek means, teacher or instructor. Not a bishop, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher. It is Jesus!  Jesus was common among men. We would not be able to pick Him out of a crowd because of His expensive, distinguished looking attire.   

Consider John the Baptist, who most would consider a very eccentric prophet of God. Matthew 3:4-6 tells us, “John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.  People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.” Wow! So much for intellectualism, fancy robes and collars! John would have flunked the test of time in our generation! He would not fit any of the “standards” and traditions that we have placed on clergy in our churches and denominations in America.  Especially considering the thought that is permeating the hearts of many that somehow believe that we should look the best and have the best because we represent the best.  How erroneous is this thought?

I wonder what John the Baptist would have to say to us in this hour about this obvious deception that is corroding the heart of many confessing Christians that have been taught this very philosophical teaching by spiritual leaders. They prescribe that somehow we must “look” a certain way to be received and anointed. How foolish is this thought considering Jesus himself boasted that “…Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist…,” (Luke 7:28)  John lived in the desert, dressed very strange, and yet, Jesus gives him this awesome compliment?

“…Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist…,” (Luke 7:28)  John lived in the desert, dressed very strange, and yet, Jesus gives him this awesome compliment?

Church, we are being deceived! Putting on ‘airs’ with “priestly” garments and other outward adornment to impress others can produce a gateway to becoming a “wolf” in a designer suit! Preaching so very eloquently the written Words of God as the Pharisees, chief priest, elders and teachers of The Law did in Jesus day.  John the Baptist would not be “qualified” to speak at many of our conferences today. He would offend  those who clad themselves in the best designer clothes, cars, jewels and clergy attire.  Are you one of them? Have you allowed pride to corrupt your call unaware? Do you feel you need outward adornment and things to impress others? 

If you do my Friend, you need to be healed.  Be healed from the inside out!  Jesus has provided an eternal Robe of Righteousness for all who desire to wear Him!  His garment of Righteousness fits ALL sizes and is never out of stock, AND more importantly than that ~ Its FREE!  Halleluja to the Lamb of God Forever!  Be adorned in His Love for you my Friend. It is Eternal.  He is ALL that you need!
Listen and be blessed.....
       Remember, when you got it, you got it!  
Very wealthy people don't need to advertise.
 Jesus did not!


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