Seduction of Education

Multitudes of confessing Christians have been deceived into believing that education is the key to their success. However, on July 2012, a very educated neuro science student killed 12 people and wounded 58. Why? Education apart from REVELATION of Jesus Christ is vanity, vanity, ALL vanity and can lead to insanity!

Jesus Christ is The Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6. If this was not so, why are countless educators and their students depressed and in some very unfortunate cases as the before mentioned insane? Because acquiring a skill via the exchange of knowledge IS NOT WHO you are, but rather it prepares you for what you will do in life.

Multitudes have become empty and disillusioned by the thing that they so desperately thought would answer “all” of their cares in life ~ education! Are you one of them? Are you hiding behind earthly knowledge? Are you using it to find self worth?

Basic education is necessary and it is a good thing, however, the problem comes when the pursuit of ‘higher’ education beyond basics becomes a means to an end apart from God. When it is used to find satisfaction, acknowledgment, recognition, self-identity, self-worth and in some sad instances, is used to retaliate against others, as the person is driven to “prove” themselves. This is idolatry! Anything that is put in front of God for our sustenance and self-worth is an idol!

Have you ever thought about where some of our celebrated ‘great minds’ received their knowledge from like Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton? I will tell you my friend....GOD! Some of the greatest “work” that has been done through man in the earth came by revelation from God, NOT education from man. 
Adam named every animal in the earth as we know them today, how did he know what to name these animals? There were no universities in his time. There were no ‘special’ education courses for him to take on zoology. How did Noah build a huge boat that was to float on water that had never fallen from the sky? He never went to an Ivy League college to get his degree in engineering. What about John the Baptist? Here is a man that came out of the wilderness preaching a message that had never been heard before. God had not spoken to Israel in 400 years. Scholars say that people came from all over to hear this man preach the Word of God. John did not go to an ‘accredited’ school of theology to learn how to exegesis the Law of Moses. He did not take up courses on how to ‘make’ and deliver a sermon.  My dear Friend, all of the before mentioned received their understanding and knowledge from GOD! 

When education; the exchange of knowledge is pursued, acquired and then used to exalt oneself over another person or group, it then becomes a tool of pride and vainglory that now has the potential to destroy everything in a person’s life, usually unaware, especially amongst spiritual leaders. We have never been so smart while disregarding the people that we have been commissioned to help - the poor!

If we knew God and studied His Word the way we have our man-made text books, I can guarantee you, we would not be so depressed and angry in America. We would not live in cycles of constant oppression because we hate our ‘prestigious’ jobs that we spent years, and years to acquire knowledge to get. Then we continue to waste 10 hours a day, one hour each way, to get there and back home with the dreadful feelings of a wasted life. Money, prestige and 401K plans we got! But peace and joy in the Holy Ghost we lack!

It is interesting to note that when most people encounter problems in their lives, they always decide to go back to school to “learn” something else! How many “Jack of all trades, masters of nothing,” do you know? They are restless, unfulfilled souls, searching for the question to life ~ what is my real purpose. Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, dropped out of college his junior year. Why? He found his purpose and by his junior year in college his software company was already demanding too much of his time.  He has been a pioneer and dominator of computor software since.  Bill Gates was a thinker!  Are you?  Or do you keep filling your head up with other peoples theories and thoughts that have blocked you from hearing the voice of God and his direction for your life?  No person on this earth will ever be Bill Gates, ever!  This was his destiny. 

The same for the world famous luggage maker, Louis Vuitton, who was a poor, uneducated young boy who became an apprentice to a luggage maker in Paris and took what he learned by experience and the rest is history.  What about the world's leading Billion Dollar shipping company UPS whose founder was an uneducated man name Jim Casey who started his messenger business at 11 yrss of age in Seattle, Washington.  Milton Hershey, we all know him....CHOCALATE!  Hmmmm! Hmmmm Good!   Mr. Hershey did not have more than a 4th grade level of education, nevertheless he was divinely placed into his destiny as a confectionary maker!  There will never be another like him.  All of the before mentioned are World renown empires of wealth and their companies are woven into the fabric of ALL society's across the ENTIRE world!
What am I saying here,  Friend, education is NOT the end all, fix all and be all.....destiny is!  What is your true destiny?  Not all are called to become doctors, lawyers and scientist.  There is a creative mind in each one of us.  WHO ARE YOU?  Besides book smart, and man made knowledge, who are you?   

Do you not know that God rains on the 'just' as well as the 'unjust?' 

Education is just like make-up. Some people do not need it at all. They are naturally beautiful. While some of us need assistance and others, we just like wearing it. But here is the thing, we must make sure that when we apply it, it is the ‘right’ shade and that it is not too much! Selah.

At the end of the day do you know as much about God and His Word as you do any other book you are studying? When was the last time you know that God spoke to your heart and told you what to do?  Make sure you read my blog,  "The Big Lie About Prayer," it will bless you!

Listen to this song and be blessed...


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