Music - Spiritual Assassin of the Soul

Never in the history of mankind have we EVER had access to so much music, the universal language that we all love and understand. For many decades church leaders have told us not to listen to 'secular' music, but they did not tell us why! Because what you listen to over and over again, that YOU WILL become! Music IS a SPIRITUAL encounter!

Do you struggle with sex addiction, anger, perversion or depression? Do you struggle with letting go of your past relationships and failures? Check the company you have been keeping with the music you are listening too! Who have you been 'musing' over? Music is one of the deepest forms of meditation and thought. It will make you sick unaware. MuSick! What you continually MUSE upon will hurt you if it does not exalt God who created all things for us to honor and extol Him, NOT an ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, violance, sex and lust as most secular music does exalt.

Can you imagine the countless men and women who love their 'oldies' but 'goodies' music that is killing them unaware? They are trapped in their minds. Do you know anyone like this. They love 'blasts from the past." They are stuck in a time warp. The way they talk, walk and dress is soooo 1970's.  They drive a 1975 Cutlas! They are in love with the past.  Why?  That is the 'company' they keep with their "old" favorite musical hits. 

Rythm and Blues will make you blue! Hip Hop will keep your hips hopping and your fingers poppin! Rock n Roll will make your feet lose control while most secular 'rap' will make you want to 'slap' your momma! God Help us!! Christian parents are allowing their children to "MUSE" on these things. And we wonder why multitudes of them are angry, depressed and cannot stop talking about the opposite sex. Why? They are keeping "company" with these lyrics and melodies night and day. Faiths comes by HEARING the Word of God. Anger, lust and depression can come by HEARING too! Hearing the wrong voices, beats and lyrics!

Who is the song talking about? What is it talking about? How does is make you feel? Who does it make you think about? My dear Friend, if it is not the Living God, I can gaurantee you this, you will struggle with sin, recovery from your past, emotional problems, addiction and pain. God wants our whole heart, mind and soul. The music you listen to MUST glorify Him if you want to grow spiritually and overcome mental strongholds and sin. I know you like your "old" music man, but he does not like you!  He is abusive and you need to get a divorce! 

Music is very powerful! Do not take it lightly my Friend!  It can and will destory you!  God wants ALL of your devotion and meditation to stay on Him.  He will change you in ways you can't imagine when you keep good "Company" with His praise!Listen to this!
Its Good for the Soul!

Make Sure You Read:
Danger of Christian Comedy
                          Seduction of Education

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