Who is Jezebel for REAL!!

There are countless Christians who erroneously refer to some who may have dominating personalities as a Jezebel.  It may be very accurate to say that the person is controlling, however, apart from an overt, sexually provocative disposition, that person is not a Jezebel.  And let me tell you this up front, many men are Jezebel's!! 

This spirit does not control apart from sexuality: flirting, teasing, provocative attire, inappropriate touching, SEDUCTION!

There is much teaching about the Spirit of Jezebel who was notorious for her wickedness and controlling of her wicked husband Ahab, who was king over Israel.  However, what we must be very clear about is this: (1) Ahab was already a wicked man and Jezebel "stirred" what was already in him - evil! (2) Jezebel was a high priestess in the temple of false god Baal who they believed was a fertility god that brought rain to the earth for harvest. Jezebel 'ministered' to a sex god!   Okay now, you got to catch this!  ‘When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. She painted her eyes, and adorned her head, and looked out of the window." 1Kings 21:25

Why did God inspire this detail to be told about Jezebel in the Scriptures?   Because she is a SEDUCTRESS!   Her primary method of operindi is to use her 'sexuality and beauty' to seduce, manipulate and DOMINATE!   Painting of the face, or shall I say, putting on make up was a showcase of power in the time of Jezebel. It was not common for ordinary women to wear makeup.   It was a ritual to make clear to others her rank of power as queen and priestess.  However, in our 21st Century culture, wearing make up is common and hair products are everywhere! Women now "pull rank" with their 'painted on' jeans, hip huggin, breast tuggin provocative attire and their 4 inch heal Steletto's! The more voluptuous, the more rank or power they feel they have over other women that they compete with to subdue kingdoms.   More specifically, the Kingdom of God in you!!

Jesus is a Great King! Jezebel cannot handle him in you! She was defeated at the Cross!   My dear Brothers in Christ, the next time you see that woman with her breast propped up and her buttocks in those tight jeans teasing and flirting with the doors, gates and windows of your soul, CAST HER DOWN! Give her NO attention!  She is out for your mind, body AND your soul. Female sexual predators are taking over the Nation and the Christian church in America....these are Jezebels kids!!  They love to "claim" they are followers of Jesus Christ, but remember, if it walks like a Duck, talks like a Duck, its ...           A DUCK!

Listen my dear Friend, there is not a person on the planet that does not have the propensity to be controlling in some form or the other. It is human nature. However, it is erroneous to think that the Spirit of Jezebel is controlling apart from her primary weapon...Sex!   There is a vast difference between someone who is insecure and always trying to take over and this seductive, sexual Spirit of Jezebel whose ultimate goal is to get you away from God!!!!

If you have a true follower of Jesus Christ constantly talking to you about living for Christ who may at times be "overbearing" out of zealousness and love for your soul, that is not a Jezebel Spirit trying to control you, that is the love of God striving with you through them!  Jezebel wants you under her spell to take you to hell!  Some Jezebel Spirit's may have great careers and are sweet on the outside, but rotten on the inside.  They do not encourage you to live for God by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  They can be doctors, lawyers, movie stars and the like, but if they are not encouraging you to get right with God.....they have not been sent from God.  Doesn't matter how handsome or successful, how big their buttocks, breast or thighs.....they will cost you eternity if you entertain their seduction and love for this present world that is soon to pass away.  

Here are Some Signs of a Jezebel Spirit:
  1. Flirty in speech and with their eyes
  2. Wears sexual, provocative attire - Check out some Christian female singers "sexy" attire, websites and CD covers
  3. Men who look 'sexual' and effeminate
  4. Extreme in make up, hair and nails to draw attention to themselves
  5. Will use their talents, money, gifts and their influence to seduce you.
  6. Has no regard for sexual purity.  
  7. Mean spirited, lacks compassion and mercy when you do not give them what they want
  8. Spiteful and Vindictive, has temper tamptrums when they cannot have their way
  9. Has no regard for marriage covenant, will encourage infidelity of married men and women.
  10. Encourages rebellion against the revealed Word of God.  They twist the Scriptures to justify sin.
The ultimate goal of a Jezebel Spirit is to entice you to become an idolater and live for self pleasure.   Story told of Jezebel in 1Kings Chapter 9 and 2Kings Chapter 21.  Remember this, a man can also possess this same spirit. They use their sexuality, looks, charm, flattery and materialism to entice you. They want control of you. They want worship and power.  They want YOUR SOUL!

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